27| The Last

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GUYS I literally almost went into cardiac arrest last night because this story had completely disappeared, and every device I used said it didn't exist and I genuinely thought that it was gone forever 😭 but it's reappeared now thanks to the amazing Wattpad Team and anyway, enjoy this chapter because I'm definitely looking forward to the comments hehehe 😏

💘 Cambry

"GO STAND OVER there, I want to take a photo of you." Ruby said after we had finally reached the top of the mountain.

I went to do so, until I quickly turned around and rushed over to her before she could take it.

"Wait, you're not going to post it anywhere, are you?" I asked, grabbing her wrist to lower her phone down.

She frowned at me. "I won't if you don't want me to."

I sighed in relief. "Okay, thank you." I was about to walk off again when she pulled me back.

"But I also don't want to hide. I don't care about what anyone says anymore, I don't even know why I cared in the first place."

I shrugged. "I know you don't, but I do. I still care. People have said some pretty messed up things about me, and I don't want to go back to it ever again."

"I should have never deleted those photos of you. At the time I seriously thought that I was protecting you. I'm such a fucking idiot."

"Hey, we're over that now, okay?" I reached up to touch her cheek briefly. Her eyes were glazed over, she looked so frustrated in herself. "Now come on, take the photo!"

She couldn't help but smile when I ran back to the spot in front of the incredible view.

As I waited for her to take the photo, I heard a noise near me, on my left. I turned my head before Ruby had taken it, and crouched down near the edge.

I noticed a bird flapping its wings aggressively as it hung onto the edge for dear life, and I realized that its wing was broken.

"Hey little fella," I cooed, inching closer towards it.

"Ellis, be careful." Ruby said, her voice wary.

"The bird's stuck," I said, slowly reaching my hand towards it. It continued to flap like mad.

"Who cares, it's just a bird." Ruby said, and I sent her a glare. The fate of the bird would be to fall to its death, and watching it try its hardest to fly was torture.

I cupped it in my hands before lifting it up, letting go of it once its feet were planted on the ground. It hopped away, passing Ruby.

"That bird could have had diseases, you know." Ruby said. "What's with you and animals anyway? I never realized just how much you actually loved them."

I shrugged, pushing off my hands as I stood up. "I don't know, because they have feelings." I wiped the dirt off my hands using my clothes. They were black anyway.

"Alright, get over here. You're making me nervous standing there." Ruby said, and I couldn't help but laugh.


"I don't know, because they have feelings." She stated as she proceeded to wipe the dirt from her hands using her clothes. Although I appeared to not agree with her decisions, deep down I adored them.

Her heart was too big for her body. Her ability to forgive was mind blowing to me. Although she forgave me, the guilt would never leave me. I was thankful that she accepted me back into her life, after I knew that I didn't deserve it.

I had been in the wrong from the beginning, not her.

After watching her in admiration for a few moments, I snapped out of it and gestured for her to come here.

"Alright, get over here. You're making me nervous standing there." I said, and she laughed at that. At the same time, I averted my attention to Heaven, who was barking at the bird that Ellis had just saved.

"Heaven, no." I said sternly, gently tugging at her lead to stop her from making a run for it.

I heard rocks roll followed by a loud crash and a blood-cuddling scream, and everything around me just seemed to freeze.

It felt like my heart had stopped for a moment, and I could not look over at where Ellis had been standing in fear of what I would see.

When I did look, after my heartbeat had returned, she was not there. The ground she had been standing on was no longer there either.

A thud filled my ears, and I was standing there frozen with complete shock. Several people ran past me, but I could not hear what they were saying. I could not hear Heaven barking. My skin had lost its sensation, and I didn't feel the woman touch my arm in a comforting way.

What happened? What's happening? I kept asking myself, lightheadedness washing over me.

The sounds were slowly beginning to return.

"Honey, it's okay, help is on it's way." The woman standing beside me said, still rubbing my arm.

"What happened?" A man asked as he stood near the edge, peering down. "Is she alive?"

"I don't know," another man muttered, the phone in his hand shaking as he held it to his ear.

My legs gave way from underneath me and I collapsed onto my knees, the woman dropping down beside me, trying to comfort me. Nothing could comfort me. I still could not comprehend what was happening.

"Are you okay?" Another woman asked, approaching us.

"She's in shock, the poor thing."

"Did you see what happened? I heard her scream."

"She slipped and then the ground broke off from underneath her." The woman beside me said, still rubbing my arm.

"Such a terrible accident." She mumbled, before crouching down in front of me. "Don't worry, they're nearly here."

"Give her some water," the other woman scurried off, reappearing a few seconds later with a pink plastic bottle. She tried to give it to me, as if I had the ability to move at all.

The shock never wore off.


Okay so I've had this planned literally since the beginning of the first book, so no one come at me saying that I did this because of writer's block. Trust me, this entire book has been planned out since the beginning, and this scene has a purpose.

This also means that the book is nearly coming to an end 🤧 I'm not ready to say good bye to it but I know I have to 😭😭😭

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