28| Chance

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I DIDN'T REACT when the nurse shone a small light into my eye. I was sat up in bed, not remembering how I even got there. I don't remember them dressing me into this gown either.

The nurse stood beside me as she began to fill out a sheet of paper that rested against a red clipboard. She kept glancing at me over her glasses, as if waiting for me to finally say something or even move a muscle.

She walked over to the end of the bed and placed the clipboard down. "I'll be back in a few minutes Ruby, okay?" I didn't respond. I didn't even look at her.

Before she left, my voice took over. "She's dead, isn't she?"

The nurse stopped before turning around to look at me, a sympathetic look on her face.

"It'll all be okay." She said, before leaving the room.

I finally moved on my own for the first time, laying down and rolling onto my side, squeezing my pillow. What did she mean? Was that a yes? Or was she just unsure?

I couldn't contain the sobs that escaped my lips, so powerful that my entire body contracted, causing even more pain.

I reached over and placed a hand on my waist, squeezing it as I winced. It felt like my organs were broken as well.

THE NEXT TIME I opened my eyes, I was met with a familiar face, though one I hadn't seen in a very long time.

"Hey there, cousin." Spencer smiled wearily. His seat was across the other side of the room. I noticed the bouquet of flowers beside my bed, but those were completely useless to me.

I stared at him blankly. It had been days now. No one would tell me what was going on, whether she was alive or not. I hadn't eaten in days. All I had done was cry and sleep. I was at the point where I had no more tears left to cry.

"They said your body went into shock, I don't blame you, what happened was-"

"What the fuck are you doing here?"

Spencer appeared hurt by my words, stumbling on his own. "I-I just thought I'd come see you, since you've been by yourself the entire time. Why are you mad at me?"

"Don't-" I suddenly inhaled through through my mouth, completely out of breath for no proper reason, "don't act like you care."

"Ruby, I do care-"

"Then why did you give me the drugs?"

The look of realisation washed over Spencer's face. His eyes moved away from mine in guilt. I shook my head slightly.

"Ruby, I'm the only family you have right now. It seems to me that I'm the only person who even cares about you-" he gestured to the empty table that would have held all the 'get well soon' cards and balloons, if anyone had visited.

"Just tell me one thing," I said, cutting him off yet again. "Tell me the truth about her."

Spencer sighed, rubbing his eyes. "They wanted to wait until the shock had worn off." Spencer said.

My heart rate increased and I felt sweaty as I waited for him to elaborate. He took a while, hesitating.

"She's in a coma, but they're not sure if she will make it."

I let out a shaky breath through my mouth, my heart now beating with harder thuds.

"But she could-"

"Well, yeah, she could, but it'd be a fucking miracle considering-" Spencer stopped himself while I stared at the wall, taking it all in.

She's not dead.

"Where is she?"

Spencer shook his head. "I-I can't tell you that-"

I gritted my teeth. "Spencer, I swear to fucking God-"

"Alright, fuck," Spencer sighed again, glancing at the doorway, "she's on level 2."

I nodded, pressing my lips together as I developed a plan my head. "Go bring me my clothes-"

"Ruby, you're not ready. I could get into so much trouble-"

"Spencer, this is the least dangerous thing you could do." I stated, already throwing the sheets off me and swinging my legs over the side of the bed.

"Fuck, fine, but just stay here, for God's sake." He said, standing up.

I nodded as he left the room. As soon as I was alone, I pressed my hands together, bringing them up to my face, and said a little prayer.

I THOUGHT I could handle seeing her in such a state, but when I first walked into that room and saw all the machines surrounding her, the wires and tubes that I had no idea where they ended up, and the devices attacked to her nose, just above her lip, it dawned on me that maybe it was too much for me to handle. That maybe the nurses were right.

However, I was determined to push through.

"How annoying is that?" I said as I walked closer towards her. I was referring to the noises coming from the machines, the machines that were keeping her alive for now.

Spencer gave me a sympathetic smile, still standing in the doorway.

Once at her bedside, I looked at him and then down at her. There was a thick white pad tapped to her temple and a bit on her scalp, which I could tell they had shaven part of the hair off. I realized that must have been where she hit her head, where most do the damage happened. The damage that put her in this state.

Her skin was bruised all over. I brought my hand up and touched her cheek, under the tape that was holding the tubes in place. She was warm, which was reassuring to me.

My hand trailed down her neck, collarbone, and arm that was wrapped in bandages until it had reached her hands. It was difficult trying to entwine my fingers with hers when she did not grip back. I sat down and sighed. I never thought anything like this would ever happen, especially not this way.

I spent hours sitting there, gently playing with her fingers, and just thinking. I thought about the moment she would wake up, how that would be the happiest day of my whole entire life.

They said that they weren't sure if she would make it, and I promised myself that from then on I wouldn't cry until she really did die. For now, she still had a chance.

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