18| Distance

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"JUST, BE CAREFUL, okay?" I pulled Ruby into a hug, pressing my chin into her shoulder and wrapping my arms tightly around her waist.

"El, it's only for a week." Ruby chuckled, staring down at me while her hand rubbed circles around the middle of my back.

"I know, but I'll still miss you." I said against the fabric of her black hoodie, inhaling her familiar scent. I wanted to go with her, but work held me back. "What will I do on my own for an entire week?"

We broke away from the hug but still stood close to each other. "It will fly by, trust me-"

A voice over the speaker announced that the time had come to board the plane that would eventually take Ruby to Miami.

Everything that I had predicted would happen, was happening. In a span of three months, Ruby was already booking more jobs within LA. Now, it was time for her to expand to other places in the US. Eventually, it would be the world.

"FaceTime, okay?" Ruby said as she touched my cheek and leaned in to place a quick kiss on my unsuspecting lips. I wanted more, but she was already walking off, pulling her black luggage behind her.

She looked happy as she waved at me in the distance. I knew she was enjoying the attention she was receiving, finally after all those months she spent doubting herself.

As she disappeared into the distance, it dawned on me that I didn't get to tell her that I loved her.

Then I told myself to snap out of it and stop being so dramatic. It was only a week. I would survive.

BY THE TIME Ruby had gotten off the plane in Miami, she still had not called or texted me. I tried to distract myself while waiting to hear from her, mostly going on jogs with Heaven and cleaning the house from top to bottom, two things I almost never did.

I knew it would take at least two days to hear from her, but when it had reached three days, she still had no responded.

It wasn't until I was at work, heating up a meal for Joshua, when my phone began to ring. I leaped for it like a snake attacking a mouse, snatching it off the table, startling Josh who had been sitting near it.

It was Ruby, and she was trying to FaceTime.

I quickly answered. "Ruby," I breathed, giving her a disapproving look.

She still looked good, even pixelated.

"Babe, I'm so sorry-" she said, rolling over onto her back and holding the phone above her face. She ran her hand through her hair, pushing it out of her face. "I was supposed to call you yesterday but I honestly passed out as soon as I got to my room."

I gave her a sympathetic smile. "That tired?"

"You have no idea." She said, groaning. "I have to be up at four tomorrow, and I'm so jet lagged."

"What are you doing tomorrow?" I asked as I used my free hand to open up the microwave and pull out the plate of warm food inside.

"There's a fitting I have to go to, then I have practice for the runway-"

"Hold on, runway?!" My eyes widened.

"I know, I had no idea until I got here." She groaned again. "I don't know how hard it will be."

"Don't be nervous, you're already a natural at modelling." I said, placing the plate down in front of Joshua. I walked back to the sink.

"Thanks for believing in me." She said. I glanced at her and smiled back. "I'll call you tomorrow night?"

As much as I didn't want her to leave already, I knew that she was busy and probably wanted to take a long nap.

"I love you." I said, my thumb hovering over the red button.

"Love you more."

AFTER WORK, I returned home and took a shower before relaxing on top of my bed, mindlessly scrolling through Instagram.

I already missed Ruby's face, so I searched her name up so that I could look at some of the memories we had together travelling.

The first thing I noticed were her followers. Last time I checked, she had around five hundred. My mind was blown when I realized she now had six thousand.

I felt my heart jump in my chest and I wanted to call her, but I also didn't want to wake her. Her last post was a photo from one of her photoshoots, and I tapped on it.

The comments were flooded with hundreds of heart eye emojis, people tagging their friends, and lots and lots of compliments.

I tapped on the third photo next, the one we took together at the Grand Canyon.

"Damn, I'm disappointed."

"She's so lucky, omfggg."

I couldn't help but smirk. That's right, bitches. She's mine.


"She can do better."

I felt a sharp pain in my heart all of a sudden as I read the hurtful comments a small handful of people had said. The picture definitely was not the most flattering, as it had been straight after a gruelling hike. My ponytail was loose and small strands went flying in every direction around my face.

My heart eased when I saw people jump to my defence, and I immediately liked their comments.

I decided not to look at any more of the photos, as most of Ruby's Instagram photos featured me, and instead rolled over to turn off the lamp on the bedside table and closed my eyes.

As I tried to fall asleep, I couldn't help but wonder, was I holding her back?

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