24| Flowers

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Okay so even though I said I'd update on Tuesday's I've realized that I've in fact been updating on Wednesday's because I'm dumb and cannot figure out timezones, so let's just say that I update either Tuesday's or Wednesday's because I have commitment issues 🙃

Also this chapter is late as hell and I'm so sorry about that, I've been sick for the past few days and was unable to finish this chapter.

💖 Cambry

I FELT THS mattress dip and pressure against my waist as I laid on my side, that slowly moved from the back to the front. I caught a glimpse of the arms in front of me, holding me closely.

I sniffed before letting out a small sound.

"Hi," I heard faintly.

I couldn't speak. The only sound that came from me was the sound of my trembling breaths.

"I've missed you." She said.

I sobbed again, shutting my eyes as the tears streamed down my pink cheeks. My body shook under her touch.

How I wished that was real.

I knew it had been a dream the moment she came, because there wasn't a single chance that she would ever.

As expected, when I opened my eyes, she was gone, yet I still felt her weight against my back. I sat up, staring out the window. It was a beautiful day, and still bright out.

I was exhausted. I was sick of being let down by my life all the time. I was sick of being disappointed. I was tired of crying myself to sleep every night, tired of feeling like I was unable to enjoy my days. All that time wasted being miserable, while she was living her best life.

I exhaled heavily from between my lips, my eyebrows furrowing. Stay strong, I told myself, you can do this.

The first thing I did was delete all social media off my phone. As soon as I had done that, it felt like a huge amount of weight lifted off my shoulders.

I cleaned the house, and ran a bath. I distracted myself by reading a book, a mystery one, and every time I felt my mind wander away from the words and into something else, I'd force myself to concentrate again. I had to focus on the now.

As I sat in bed, freshly shaven skin against the new bed sheets, I planned out tomorrow in a notebook.

I was going to spend the morning handing in my resume anywhere, no matter what the job was. Then, I would grab lunch at a cute little café I had my eye on in the past but never had the opportunity to visit. After lunch, I would take Heaven to the dog park, and maybe even meet new people. I needed friends desperately.

For the first time in a long time, I went to sleep with my mind and heart relaxed.

"GOOD MORNING, ELLIS!" Penelope chirped as soon as she noticed me walk through the doors of my go-to cafe. One month later and I was already a regular.

"How are you today, P?" I asked her, looking over the coffee machine as she stood, steaming milk for another customer's drink.

"I'm great, the usual?" She asked, and I nodded, grinning. "So, what are your plans today?"

"I'm not sure yet," I said, taking a seat beside the window. I now loved waking up early.

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