26| Bonus

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Little bonus chapter because you deserve it!

Also, I'm so sorry that I don't reply to comments as much anymore, I promise I read and cherish them all, I'm just sometimes too busy to reply :( so please don't get offended! 💖

Cambry x

I WATCHED HER climb up the hill as if it weren't sloped in a way that made it even more exhausting, while I trailed slowly behind.

We had been on this hike for nearly two hours now, and my legs wanted to go home.

"Do you regret coming now?" She asked, smirking in amusement as she watched me try to catch up.

"Yep," I admitted, "how much longer?"

"We're not even at the top yet, come on." She started walking again, and I groaned out loud.

Ruby was told that she would have to get fit for her new role in an upcoming movie, and she would be a main and crucial character.

All the food I ate last night didn't help with how I felt today.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, I had caught up to her and the ground was even. She passed me her drink bottle as I had finished mine.

As I drank from it, I realized that this was the closest I had been to kissing her in months. We were still stuck in that awkward stage. I liked to think of it as starting again.

"That moment when your dog who is missing a freaking limb can walk better than you." I muttered as I watched Heaven lead the way.

Ruby burst out laughing at this, while I kept my face straight.

"So, how's Cameron?" I said, slightly exaggerating her name. Ruby rolled her eyes.

"I wouldn't know, I haven't seen her since work."

"Oh," I said, slightly surprised.

"What?" Ruby raised an eyebrow. "You think her and I had a thing?" She scoffed.

"Well, kinda, I mean," I shrugged, "you two got along really well."

Ruby blinked at me a few times. "Cameron's engaged. How did you not know this?"

"What? Really?" I said, surprised.

"Yeah, to this famous soccer player, don't remember his name." She said.

"Wow," I said, "you must be disappointed then." I tried to fight back my smile, but couldn't help it when Ruby laughed.

"That's what started everything, isn't it?" Ruby said, sighing.

My smile dropped and I lowered my gaze. "Um," I hesitated, "actually, it's more like it was the final straw." I admitted.

"What?" She looked taken back by this. "What do you mean? I thought we were happy, and everything was good."

"I don't know, I don't really want to talk about it." I said, and Ruby stopped walking and grabbed my arm before I could keep going.

"Wait, no, we have to talk about this. Especially if I don't know what I did wrong."

I pressed my lips together and nodded.

"It just felt like you were ignoring me and no longer loved me, and I was worried that you felt like you had no choice but to be with me because you were scared to breakup. So when I saw you with Cameron, I thought you really liked her but I was holding you back." Admittedly, it felt good to get it off my chest.

Ruby frowned. "I can assure you, that I neverc ever stopped loving you." She said firmly. "I think it was just because I didn't know how to handle everything, it was all moving way too fast." I nodded in agreement. Ruby did rise to fame extremely quickly, which was insane. "And remember when I didn't want to do any of this at the start? I was overwhelmed." She added.

"But now, I'm in a place where I know what I am doing, and I know how to handle everything. Things could be perfect, but there's one thing still missing, and that's you."

Suddenly, I crashed my lips into hers and she stumbled back before grabbing me around the waist to steady herself. For a moment she smiled against the kiss before placing her hand on my back and deepening it. It felt euphoric to be able to kiss her again.

I broke the kiss off early, only because we were in public. All I could then think of was how excited I was to get home, and I knew Ruby felt the same way judging by the smirk on her face as she dragged her nails across my back. 

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