29| Promised

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"YOU CAN'T STAY here the entire time," Spencer said, "you need to get some fresh air or something."

"I'm fine," I said, peering up at him from my phone.

Spencer frowned. "Ruby, even if she is going to wake up, it won't be happening anytime soon." He ignored the glare I sent him. "You aren't going to miss anything."

I didn't reply, instead focusing on the text message I was about to sent to my manager. Filming was supposed to start tomorrow, but there was no chance that I would leave her like this. I could be away for weeks, maybe even months. No role, whether big and small, was worth it right now.

"Are you really going to throw away everything for this girl?"

Spencer had been getting on my nerves ever since he got here. He kept implying that she wouldn't make it, but to speak about her as if she were worthless, made something within me snap.

I hastily stood up from the chair and shoved him hard enough to cause him to crash into the wall. Before he could recover I reached up and grabbed his neck with one hand, squeezing until he made a choking sound.

I gritted my teeth. "How dare you-"

I let go of him when I heard voices approaching the room, and Spencer gasped for air, rubbing his neck. I sent him one last look, just as two nurses walked into the room, and put on a smile.

They greeted Spencer and I, and Spencer gave them a small wave, as it clearly hurt too much to talk.

I could have killed him then and there. He was lucky.

After they checked on a few things, one of them stayed back while the other left the room.

"We'd like to ask you if there is anyone we should contact, if Ellis has any family?"

It took me several seconds to answer. "She doesn't."

"No one?" The nurse asked, sounding slightly surprised.

"Just me." I said, my voice suddenly small.

She gave me a sympathetic look. "Okay, I'll let them know." I nodded as she left.

I looked over at Ellis. Her appearance hadn't changed. She was still in the same position, attached to the same machines.

I sighed to myself. I wanted her to wake up already.

"Fine, if you really don't want me around, then I'll leave." Spencer said, his voice raspy and his eyebrows drawn closely together.

I threw my head back in exaggeration. "Finally," I groaned.

Spencer gripped the doorframe before he stepped out of the room completely, turning around one more time.

"Just so you know, the paparazzi are outside. They know everything. And if I wanted to get revenge, I'd tell them you pushed her. But you're lucky I don't, because I feel bad for you. You're waiting for something that'll never happen."

I sat in silence, long before he had left, processing his words.

I WATCHED THE rain for hours, my head laid across my arms that were on the bed beside Ellis'. Eventually the peaceful sound faced away, before coming to a complete stop. It was no longer raining.

I lifted my head and stretched my arms out, glancing at Ellis. Still the same. Nothing had changed.

Nurses had been in to change her bandages. They also gave her a wash in bed. I was allowed to stay and watch, although I wished I hadn't.

Watching three of them having to hold Ellis up while they washed her back, as she stayed unconscious and floppy, made me feel queasy. It reminded me that she wasn't all here. She couldn't even hold herself up.

In the shower, I almost cried. My throat had felt like it was closing up and my head felt tense as tears rushed to my eyes, but I forced them away with all my strength. I gave myself pep talks, reminding myself that this was temporary, that she was going to be waking up soon.

I still could not fathom how we ended up in this situation.

While asleep in the chair, the chair I had become an expert in sleeping in, I was stirred awake by a loud, continuous beep. I sat up, rubbing my eyes. When I realized why I had just woken up, adrenaline kicked in and I stood up, looking around.

Then I saw a line across the screen.

My first instinct was to push the emergency button, and it only took a few seconds for several staff to come rushing in, having already been on their way.

I gripped my hair as they surrounded her, talking with medical terms, and another nurse stood in front of me, hands on my waist as she tried to talk me into leaving the room.

"What's wrong? What's happening?!" I panicked, breaths quickening.

"I need you to step outside now, Ruby," the nurse said firmly, pushing against me slightly in an effort to get me to move.

"Wake her up! Wake her up now!" I screamed, wrestling out of the nurse's grip. A man joined her, blocking my view from seeing her.

"Call security," he said.

"No, it's alright, she's just upset." The nurse said, still trying to grab a hold of me.

"You are not dying, Ellis! You aren't fucking dying!" I yelled angrily towards Ellis.

I caught a glance of the defibrillator before finally being kicked out of the room, where I collapsed onto the ground into a sobbing heap. I sat against the wall, hugging my knees, staff passing me without judgement. They must see this every day.

I said that I wouldn't cry unless she died, therefore I didn't break the promise.


The next chapter will be the last ever. It's already written and I'm so scared for you to read it, I hope you like it 😩💖

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