10| Grave

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AS THE PLANE took off, it felt as though my stomach had dropped and the familiar feeling of nausea overcame me. I knew it wasn't just because of the flight, though. It was caused by the horrible memories we were leaving behind here, hopefully forever.

We had decided that LA also held too painful memories, and decided we would stick to New York for a while. Matthew had gotten in touch with a friend, who agreed to let us rent out his old place.

I tried to plan out what Ruby and I would do in the future. After New York, which we saw as a cleanse, we would return to LA, I could try to get my job back as Joshua's carer, and Ruby would also find a job that didn't involve drugs or alcohol. We would move into a house, not an apartment, far away from our original one. Ruby would also get help, as much as she didn't want to, because obviously I was not enough to keep her alive.

Although everything hurt, every time Ruby glanced at me, I'd smile at her. She would too, but her smile didn't seem genuine and it would only last for a second.

I knew where the first stop would be once we arrived in New York, and it hopefully would do good for the both of us.

I stood up from my seat beside the window, turning sideways to make my way through to the aisle. My knees knocking Ruby's caught her attention and she opened her eyes, staring at me curiously.

"Toilet." I mouthed and she nodded, closing her eyes again.

The bathroom's door was difficult to open but I managed and slid into the tiny space. Before I could even close the door behind me, a back pushed itself into me and closed the door for me, locking it swiftly.

Ruby turned around, her body pressed against mine. "What-"

"Sh," Ruby clasped her tattooed hand over my mouth, her eyes gazing into mine.

She removed her hand and I kept my mouth shut, staring at her with a questioning look. What did she want to do? Did she want to talk? She did look pretty serious. But then again, she did also silenced me.

I was caught off guard by the kiss. It was a strong one, enough to cause me to stumble back and crash into the sink counter. As soon as I had processed what was about to happen, I grabbed her face and deepened the kiss.

Her warm hands squeezed my waist and I jumped up, allowing her to help hoist me up onto the counter.

This was the first time we had kissed since the night she took me out to McDonald's, and it was missed. I thought I wouldn't be turned on after what we had been through, as it had been traumatic, but I was. I appreciated her touch more than I ever did before.

Her lips felt amazing against mine, like they usually did, and they moved against mine quickly. At the same time, her hands pulled down my jeans from my waist, not once breaking the kiss, and tossed them on the ground.

I wrapped my legs around her waist and she pulled me closer against her, her hand slipping into the front of my underwear.

I wanted to moan so badly but we couldn't risk being caught. She worked her fingers against me, reaching all the right places. She had stopped kissing me, her lips parted as she focused on her fingers.

I threw my head back, my eyebrows drawn close together and my breaths stammering. When I remembered we had been in here for an awfully long time, the tingles and sensations disappeared.

Ruby noticed this and stopped, her eyes asking me if I was okay. I didn't want her to get the wrong idea. It wasn't that I didn't enjoy it, I loved it, but it was because I didn't want to get caught. I was too nervous to enjoy myself.

I dropped down onto my feet, picking up my jeans and pulling them up my legs.

"We'll finish it later." Ruby said, a smirk on her face as her hand suddenly squeezed my ass. I tried not to laugh too loudly.

Ruby walked out of the bathroom so casually that it made me panic for a second. I dove for the door, quickly locking it to ease my anxious heart.

I exhaled through my lips and took a few seconds to recollect myself. I fixed my hair, which was disheveled, and my twisted shirt.

"WHY ARE WE here?" Ruby asked, coming to a sudden stop at the cemetery gate.

"Just come," I said gently, reaching out to hold her hand. I saw her swallow hard, before finally taking a step.

We walked in silence until we had reached two headstones, each with gold engraving, almost identical to each other.

It had been a long time since I had visited my parents. I had visited Gemma more than them. I always tried to tell myself that they had each other.

Alyssa Roseville, beloved wife and mother to Ellis.

Tony Charmer, beloved husband and father to Ellis.

I always avoided looking at the dates engraved underneath the names. It reminded me of how quickly the loss came. Too soon.

Ruby knew the story all too well. A part of me hoped that by seeing this, she would be reminded of what drugs can do, how it could harm not only yourself but others as well.

"I don't hate him." I said, rubbing my bare arms.

I heard her exhale shakily.

"I just want you to know that I'll always be there for you, like my mom was for my dad, even at his worst." I moved closer, peering up at her face as she stayed concentrated on the stones. I wrapped my arms around hers and rested my cheek against her arm.

We stayed there for a long time.

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