11| Faith

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IT WAS A strange feeling to be back in the city, but everything felt right about being there. I thought I had decided that it wasn't home anymore, but turns out, it still was home to me.

When I walked into my favourite coffee shop, the workers were surprised to see me. After answering some of their questions as to what I had been up to, and introduced Ruby, we were seated outside the shop, seeing as Heaven was not allowed inside.

"It's like I'm in the presence of a celebrity." Ruby said, picking up the menu.

"Hah," I replied, knowing she was referring to the amount of times I had stopped at stores to say hi to my favourite employees. 

"Seriously though, we need to stop eating out. It's time we actually cooked."

"I know," I agreed. We spent way too much money on food. "Remember that? When you'd cook for Gemma and I..." it was no longer painful to say her name. Ruby and I had finally accepted that she was gone.

"Yeah," Ruby smiled at the memory.

I picked up my phone, hoping there would be a reply from Josh's mom about allowing me to work for her again once we were back in LA.

Ruby leaned on her elbows, hands tucked under her chin as she watched me. "Still no reply?"

"Nope," I said, popping the 'p', "do you think she's annoyed at me?"


I scoffed. "Thanks for being honest, I guess."

Ruby smiled but as she looked down at the menu, it slowly faded away. I tried not to show the concern on my face, but it was hard. Every time she looked sad, I felt my pieces of my heart crumble.

All I could do right now was show her how much I love her.

"I love you," I said, a cheesy smile now on my face.

The smile returned onto Ruby's face as she looked up at me.

"Like, a lot." I added. A short laugh escaped her lips before she looked around, her shoulders moving forward and her neck lowering momentarily.

"Stop, you're embarrassing me." She said, but I knew she was only joking.

I laughed at her, stirring the straw in my pink lemonade. It fell silent between us, as we both concentrated on the food. From the corner of my eye, I noticed a woman who sat facing us, wearing all black with her backpack on the table, next to a cup of coffee.

I glanced her way only to shudder when I realized she had been already staring, her eyes on Ruby, with her hand slightly rubbing her chin.

I looked down again, then looked back up at her several moments later. She was still staring. I was not a confrontational person.

I contemplated whether I should bring this to Ruby's attention, who was now talking to me about going back to the gym, but the lady was watching, and she would know we were talking about her.

"I think that's a good idea. I mean, it's not like you need to change your body, but it would help you with your-" I paused, hesitant, "-with your, you know, mood." I winced internally.

"I know what you mean." She said, nodding slightly. "I think I'll start-"

My phone vibrating against the wooden table interrupted us, and when I saw who it was, I gasped.

"It's Joshua's mom!" I whisper-yelled.

"Why are you whispering?"

I quickly answered it and stood up at the same time, heading further away from the cafe.

"You're back in LA?" His mom asked. It sounded like she was outside as I could hear the wind and the cars driving past through the phone.

"Not yet, but we will be soon." I had to cover one ear with my hand to hear her clearly.

"How soon?"

My heart started racing with anticipation. Was I about to get my job back?

"Uh, I'm not sure exactly. I can come back whenever, pretty much." I tried hinting to her that I was willing to return tomorrow if she needed.

"What about next week?"

I squeaked, trying to contain my excitement.

"Thank you so much!" I bursted.

Before finishing the call, she added, "Joshua misses you."

"I miss him too."

"Take care. I'll message you details."

"Okay, thank you!"

I headed back to the table with a huge smile on my face. I dropped into my chair with excitement, ready to tell Ruby the relieving news. I noticed she had a small white card in her hand. 

"What's that?" I asked, leaning forward and placing my lips against my straw.

"Some chick gave it to me, just now while you were on the phone." She passed it to me.

I read the bold black font.

Lara Hill's Modelling Agency.

I let out a gasp. "Holy shit."

"I know, it's stupid."

"No! This is great!" I was too excited even though Ruby was not.

"She probably gives it out to everyone, like an ad."

"I don't think so, she didn't give me one. And that lady wouldn't stop staring at you." I said, glancing at the now empty table.

Ruby didn't say anything to that.

"You need to do this. Do you realize how beautiful you are? You'd literally be like a- like a sex icon!"

She snorted in response.

"If it were that easy, then everyone would be modelling." She said, dropping the card on the table. I rolled my eyes and grabbed it.

"What have you got to lose?"

Ruby rolled her lips together, her eyes focused on the card. I waited in anticipation to hear whether or not she would go through with this.

"I've never thought about doing it." Ruby finally said. "I don't even like taking photos that much."

I leaned forward. "Give it a go." I said, practically begging her.

She let out a sigh. "Fine, but if I embarrass myself then I'm blaming you."

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