30| See You Soon

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"YOU BITCH," I laughed, slapping Gemma on the arm, "you told me you didn't." I said, scoffing.

"I know, I know," Gemma chuckled, "I was just scared of telling you. I didn't want you to judge me."

"Well, I am judging you." I grinned in amusement. "Who does it at a trampoline park?"

"Honestly, it was probably all the splits I did in the air." Gemma said and I grimaced.

"I shouldn't have believed you when I asked. You were both gone for way too long." I said, and she laughed again, collapsing onto her back.

Suddenly there was a shift in the air. Our smiles had gone from ones out of amusement after finding out when Gemma lost her virginity, to sad ones.

"This isn't real, is it?"

Gemma propped herself up with her elbows, her eyes gazing at mine before she shook her head. I nodded. I knew it. I was just living out a memory.

"Is this what it feels like to be dead?" I asked, looking around the room. Everything looked normal. My body felt normal. I could still feel pain, specifically in my chest. It was dull and bearable, but I could notice it.

"You're not dead." Gemma said.

"Maybe it's better if I am." I said. "Everything seems perfect here."

"Is it though? Is it really?" I knew she wanted me to remember the thing that was missing from here. Someone that I wouldn't see ever again.

"Maybe she'd better off if I died." I said. "I cause too many problems."

Gemma tilted her head back and groaned. "Have you learnt nothing?" She said, and I was taken back by her words.

"Every single time everything is perfect, I somehow ruin it."

Gemma sat up, eye level with me.

"Yet, she still loves you every time."

I brought my hand to my face, but it felt like it wasn't there. There was just air. Gemma noticed my confusion.

"She'll move on, eventually..." I said, although it sounded more like I was trying to reassure myself.

The pain in my chest had gotten worse. It was starting to become unbearable, and I winced. I let out a heavy breath through my lips.

"What's happening? Is this it? Am I dying?" I asked in between contractions. It felt like I was having a heart attack.

Gemma appeared unfathomed by my obvious pain.

"Stop," I told her, scared by her sudden change in demeanour, "make it stop, please," I cried out, the pain travelling through my entire body, like electric currents.

I screamed out, but my screams felt empty. Gemma had disappeared, and so had the furniture. I fell onto my back, body contorting in pain, the ceiling turning black.

I realized that I didn't want to die. I didn't want to leave her, no matter how much of a burden I was. She needed me. I needed her. Yet, here I was, dying, realizing that I would never see her again.

It had ended.

The pain was gone. My body was gone. My mind was gone. Everything that made up me, that made up Ellis, was gone, just like that. Like I never existed in this world. Like this world never existed.

You never get to know nothingness, even before you die. You still don't get to know it when you're dead.

But as quickly as the nothingness had gone, had everything returned again.

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