7| Glue

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Okay I read all your comments on the last chapter and oh my goodness I did not expect people to be so attached to Ellis and Ruby! I thought you would enjoy the drama haha 😂 it's amazing though ❤️❤️❤️

THE EVENTS THAT took place yesterday left us both physically and mentally exhausted. I still could not wrap my head around the fact that I nearly lost her. That if I had stopped fighting against it, and just walked out as soon as she told me we were over, I would have never seen her again.

It did hurt, what she had said, but I was immensely relieved to know exactly why she said that. Not because she didn't love me, but because she didn't want to put me in harm's way.

It was night time now, and Ruby was not out dealing, thankfully, as she had promised to drop it earlier than she had originally planned. She couldn't be around drugs. Although I had no idea what she did specifically, and was too scared to know.

It was over, and that was all that mattered.

"What are you wearing?" I asked as Ruby emerged from the bedroom, wearing jeans instead of comfortable clothes.

"What are you wearing?" She scoffed.

"Um, my pajamas?" I laughed, glancing down at my loose shorts and tank top.

"I don't think they'll let you in wearing that." Ruby said, a smirk on her face.

"In where?" I said in a questioning tone.

"The restaurant." She glanced at her watch, the one I bought her for Christmas. "You should probably get dressed, we're leaving in ten."

My eyes widened. "What? I won't be ready in time! My hair, my makeup-"

"You don't need makeup." Ruby said.

"Yes I do! If this place is fancy, then I need to at least look decent." I rushed towards the wardrobe and began to pull out articles of clothing.

"Oh, it is fancy."

There was a knock on the door and we knew it was the same lady that dropped by a few times a day with a tray of food. As Ruby disappeared from the bedroom to go answer it, I got dressed into a strapless black jumpsuit.

"No, not tonight." I heard Ruby keep repeating, trying to get the lady to understand. "Thank you, bye."

When she walked back into the room, her smile grew at the sight of me.

"You've stressed me out." I said, grabbing my makeup bag.

She rolled her eyes. "Five more minutes."

"Stop!" I whined, setting my skin with a fluffy brush.

She sat on the end of the bed, watching me.

"Okay, that's enough." She said, merely thirty seconds later. I gave her a judgemental look.

"I haven't even done my eyes." I said, the mascara wand just inches away from my sparse eyelashes.

"Like I said, you don't need that shit." She quickly added, "who are you trying to impress? Because I'm already impressed."

I let out a whining sound and shoved the mascara back into its tube. "Fine," I muttered, earning a triumphant smile from her.

In the Uber, she had her colourful hand on my knee, giving it a light squeeze. I rested my head back against the seat and looked at her, giving her a lazy smile.

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