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Okay so the majority of you said Tuesday, therefore I will be updating every Tuesday! For me, it'll be Wednesday but I hope it'll be Tuesday for most of you at least! I think that's a good day to do it because I don't think anyone likes Tuesday's 🤭 let's see how well I can keep up with these updates hehehe

💖 Cambry

WHILE RUBY WAS out eating dinner with Cameron and her group at some fancy restaurant, I was sitting alone in the living room, a bowl of two minute noodles on my lap, staring blankly at the TV.

I was thinking too much to have an appetite. I had been contemplating for hours straight about Ruby and I's relationship.

It wasn't going to work. She didn't need me anymore. Not only was she too busy for me, but she could do so much better, and I was only holding her back.

Why be with someone like me when she could have a girl that everyone else would die over? A girl like Cameron, or even better.

It wasn't fair that she had to be stuck with me. She didn't have the heart to tell me the truth, but I still knew it. So, I had to be the one to.

Tearfully, I picked up my phone from beside me and unlocked it. Tears were streaming down my face and landing on the screen, causing the keyboard to stop working momentarily as I typed up a message that would change everything.

Without hesitation, I pressed send. Once it had been delivered, I felt a sharp pain in my chest. I instinctively reached up and clutched it, as a loud sob escaped my whimpering lips.

Heaven pounced onto my lap, but I couldn't even touch her. She licked at the never-ending stream of tears.

To: Ruby
I'm done. It's over. I'm so sorry.

It had been a long time since I cried so hard. I couldn't see, or breathe, and cried throughout the night, as Ruby never came home or replied to my text.

I HAD PLANNED on being the one to move out, but even after two weeks, Ruby never came home. She never came to grab her things.

A selfish part of me wanted her to come back, to talk to me, but her ignoring me was what I deserved, after all, I broke up with her.

For fourteen days I had felt numb. I could not wrap my head around the fact that we were over. I could not imagine how I could ever move on, how I could start a new chapter in my life. I truly believed that her and I would have been together forever. I could not imagine a future for myself without Ruby there. We had been through so much together and that was hard to let go of.

What have I done? I wanted to turn back time, making sure I never sent that message. To instead wait for her to come home, talk about our true, honest feelings, and then worked it out.

We probably could have still done that if she had at least replied to the text.

The fact that I had not worked all week didn't help at all. I couldn't find the motivation or emotional strength to go, so I told Joshua's mother that I was sick.

But now I desperately needed money, and rent was due in two days.

I assumed that Ruby wouldn't be back, meaning that I would either had to manage the house all by myself, or move out.

And to think that this house was a milestone for us.

I adored the house. It was perfect. Perfect for me, for us, for a family in the future. It was everything that I looked for in a house; not too big but not small either.

Having to let go of it would devastate me even more.

"Next up, meet the Aussie star who has risen to fame in a short amount of time; we will be chatting with model Ruby Rose right after this break."

The TV caught my attention and I looked up at it with bloodshot eyes.

A shaky breath escaped my lips as tears welled up in my eyes.

I started to panic. Should I turn it off? But this is my chance to see how she is going. She wouldn't be doing an interview if she was upset, right?

The commercials felt as though they ran for an hour, when in reality they only ran for five minutes.

When I saw her face, I was caught off guard.

She was smiling, and it looked real. She spoke with confidence, as if she was only talking to a friend, and was not actually on national television. She was a natural.

I glanced down at myself, realising the state I was in compared to her. I hadn't changed my clothes in days, and I was surrounded by barely-finished food.

Her makeup and hair were done professionally, and she looked smart in her black blazer and crop top that exposed her tattoos.

Throughout the interview, she never mentioned me. Not even when she spoke about how she started out modelling. I honestly felt like I deserved to be acknowledge, whether as her ex-girlfriend or friend, after all, I was the one who pushed her to keep going.

"And Ruby, as the whole world wants to know, are you single?"

Ruby let out a short laugh, glancing down at her lap.

"Yeah, I am single."

I suddenly felt angry, squeezing the remote control in my hand. I was tempted to throw it against the screen, but instead, I turned it off and laid down.

I decided that I was not going to be like this. Not when she was fine; happy, really.

She had clearly moved on and it was time for me to as well.

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