How you and Dan first meet

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You were working at a music store, and one day Dan Smith came in to the shop! You were a HUGE fan of Bastille and you of course got very excited! But you didn't want to freak Dan out, so you kept as calm as possible. It turns out he was looking for a TKAK CD and some new music to listen to, you found him the CD and recommended him some more, Maroon 5, Imagine Dragons and Haim. He thanked you for your help and looked like he wanted to ask you something, you brushed it off. You had a massive crush on Dan but you knew he'd never like you back. Dan was having a battle in his head, he really liked you, but being the shy, awkward guy he is couldn't get the courage to give you his number or ask you out. He finally got up some courage and asked you for your number, while blushing bright red. You were SO happy and gave him your number right away. It all started from there :)

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