You defend him on twitter

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"I can't believe Ed is dating Taylor Swift! He's so ugly!"

You: "but yet thousands of people love Ed, btw they're just friends, I'm dating Ed"


"Wow just heard a bastille song on the radio, what utter crap!"

"Interestingly, they've won awards, while you sit at home complaining about them. #WhosTheRealWinner"


"ewww that 'dude' from bastille with the long hair looks so stupid and girly"

You: "his name is Chris, and he's allowed to have whatever hair he wants, plus you're single, he's not"


"Kyle would look soooo much better if he shaved his stupid facial hair! #KyleLoseTheStache"

You: I love this facial hair, it's his choice and not anyone else's what he does with it!"


"will is so ugly, he shouldn't even be in Bastille"

You: "how would you feel if someone said the same thing about someone you loved? Yeah, so kindly shut up"

*AN* who wants a personal imagine? If yes please comment the following:

Your name (or whatever name you want)

Which guy, Ed, Dan, Woody, Kyle or Will

What you want to happen, eg. you meet at a concert, getting married to Woody etc.

What style you want eg. sad, cute etc (I would rather not do smut as I'm trying to keep it roughly all ages)

Anything else you want to happen/small details (be as specific as you can/want)

Don't be shy to request one! I love making them and I need the inspiration! Thanks if you do! :) xx Bella

Bastille and Ed Sheeran imagines/preferencesOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant