What he tweets when you get hate

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Ed: "Some IDIOTS out there I swear, wouldn't know a great person even if it was a gorilla in a tutu licking their ear saying 'I'm a great person.' Re hate on (Y/N)"

Dan: "(Y/N) is getting hate, I'd just like to ask how you live with yourself? She's done nothing to you, let it go. Love you (Y/N), remember that! X"

Woody: "I can't believe people are hating on (Y/N)! When you hurt her you also hurt me, please remember that!"

Kyle: "this kitten is sad, why? Because (Y/N) is getting hate, stop hating on her and make this little kitten happy!"

Will: "Anyone who hates on (Y/N), often simply because I'm dating her is officially a dick!!!"

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