His cute names for you

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*I do not own anything about Bastille, Ed or anyone else in this book, girlfriends and any characters are fictional, all works are my own, so please don't copy them. Most of the stories aren't directly related, I'll tell you if they interlock, i hope you enjoy them :)*

Ed: love and kitten

Dan: cutie and love

Woody: Jessie and baby

Kyle: catwoman and kitty

Will: miss and babe

*AN* so I meant to start this book AGES ago but due to family problems and school I wasn't able to, I have now and I hope to update at least once per week :D please vote/comment if you liked it or have any ideas that would improve it, thanks! Bella :) xx

Bastille and Ed Sheeran imagines/preferencesOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant