A fan defends you on twitter

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Ed: Hater: "Eww @(Y/T/N) is such a whore!" Fan: "clearly you don't belong in this fandom, we're all respectful of Ed and whoever he dates #FakeFanAlert"

Dan: Hater: "dear (Y/T/N), your a slut and bitch, get away from my Dan" Fan: "*you're. And no one owns Dan, that's just wrong."

Woody: Hater: "the only person Woody should be with is me, not that loser (Y/T/N)!" Fan: "it's up to Woody who he dates, and he's chosen (Y/N) #NoTimeForHaters"

Kyle: Hater: "praying that Kyle sees the light and dumps (Y/T/N), she's useless." Fan: "but who gets to see Kyle more, that's right her. So basically shut up #SorryNotSorry"

Will: Hater: "I can't believe Will is dating that scum (Y/T/N)!" Fan: "oops typo, you meant "that awesome person" RT: I can't believe Will is dating that scum (Y/T/N)!"

*AN* I think we should all aim to be 'the fan,' don't hate on the partners of celebrities, they're people too! Although I doubt any of you guys would, you're all awesome! :)

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