Imagine for Sarah

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Dan's POV: Ever since I found Sarah my life has been getting better and better, she's so supportive of me and I really love her. We've been going out for awhile and it's pretty serious, maybe now it the time to tell her t- my thoughts are cut off by Will shouting that it's time to get one stage, we're performing at a big festival so I'm kinda nervous but I try to shrug it off and walk onto the stage...

Your POV: I keep thinking that one day I'm gonna wake up and it will all just be dream, it seems so surreal that I'm dating Dan Smith!! I'm a huge fan of Bastille but since I began dating Dan I've tried to tone it down, I don't wanna freak him out! But when he's out gigging and stuff I often put on some of their music, hop on my secret fan tumblr and become a normal fan. I've got some good friends on there, though most don't know who I really am, I kinda like that, I wouldn't trade my life for anything, I absolutely love Dan, but it's cool to just blend in, before I can ramble on for too long I hear my phone ringing, it's Dan....


Yeah sure ok....

See you when you get back....

Bye, love you too.

Dan was calling to say that he'll be home tomorrow and that he's got a surprise for me, I wonder what it is? Anyways it's getting late so I get into bed and fall I to a dreamless sleep.

Dan's POV: I was talking to Kyle about it and I've decided it's time, I went shopping and got all I would need. Then I called Sarah and told her that I had a surprise. I'm happy with my decision but also really nervous! Since I was young I'd planned how it would work out, so now I've just got to sort out the details, and hope Sarah doesn't say no.

Your POV: I wonder what Dan wants to tell me, I hope it's not another tour, I brush the worrying thought out of my mind and wait for him to get home, he's due back any minute now. When Dan arrives home he seems really nervous and shaky "what's the matter Dan? You look really stressed?" "What?...oh nothing, love. Anyways lets get going, I want to show you something" he replies.

*skip to arrival at the forest*

for some reason Dan has taken me to the forest, I asked him why but he kept saying it was a surprise and that I would soon see. We were walking for awhile, when we reached a clearing, there was a picnic blanket and some other stuff. We sat down for a bit, when suddenly Dan got up and....

Dan's POV: I'm so glad to be home with Sarah, I really missed her! We chat for awhile, before I decide it's time to leave, the waiting is killing me! When we arrive at the forest and I can see that Sarah it's confused as to why I've brought her here. We chat and sit for a bit, then I get down on one knee and start nervously speaking....

Your POV: "Sarah..." He shyly began. "I've know you for awhile, and that has been the best times of my life. I love spending time with you and I hope you feel the same, I've never wanted something so much in my life, will you do me the honour of marrying me?" He asks. "Yes! Yes of course! I love you Dan!" We passionately kissed, and in that moment I felt more happiness than I ever thought possible.

Your POV: "And that children is the story of how I proposed to your Mum." Dan finishes telling the story of how we met to our kids for the thousandth time. I kiss the kids goodnight and hop into bed with Dan, I'm so happy we met, he's my one true love.

*AN* (sorry it's pretty short) this imagine is for Sarah(1111SaazzhHaazz) I hope you like it :) xx Nancy(NancyLovesS) I'm starting on yours now and I should have it posted in a few days, also do you mind if I make it a sad one? Cause I've got some cool ideas and yeah. Anyway I hope you all have a great day/night :) xxx Bella

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