He's nervous to meet your parents

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"(Y/N), what if they don't like me? What if I say something wrong? What if-"

You cut off Ed's nervous rambling with a small chuckle, it was kind of cute he cared that much about what your parent think of him.

Today was finally the day where he got to meet them for the first and to say he was worried would be an understatement!

"Ed! Everything will be fine, I promise! Now just hold my hand. I guarantee they'll love you just as much as I do."


"I just know they're going to hate me! And they'll never let me see you and..... oh no!" Pessimistic Dan is currently making an appearance.

Dan is meeting your parents for the first time, and he's really anxious about whether or not they'll like him. They're not exactly strict, but definitely want their little girl to have an amazing boyfriend, something that you know Dan is, you've just got to make sure they feel the same.

"Dan, calm down. It's all going to be fine! They'll see how sweet, amazing, handsome you are, and most importantly that you love me. So let's get going, we need to be there for lunch." You finish with a smile and pull him into a mini hug. You can feel his heart beating faster than usual, it's going to be a long day!


"But I know they hate me! Did you see the look your Dad gave me last time?!" Woody mutters.

And he's not entirely wrong, your Dad wasn't completely happy with Woody, but he would've been with any guy. It's hard for him to see his little girl growing up. Though after a chat with him, explaining that you truly love 'Chris' and that he really loves you, he accepted that you and Chris were here to stay. So you're sure things will be much better this time, after all how would anyone hate the adorable teddy that is Woody?!


"Sorry babe, I'll try to tone it down for today, ok?" He asks with an impish grin, instantly making any anger you felt towards him disappear.

Kyle is meeting your parents for the first time, and while you love Kyle's laid back, joking attitude you're not sure that your super serious parents would feel the same.

So after some 'discussing' he said he would tone it down a little, just for tonight's dinner.

Little do you know Kyle's got a surprise planned for tonight, is that wedding bells I hear?....


"Are you sure I should come? It's pretty personal, I can wait at home." Will questions you nervously.

Today is your Mum's birthday and Will isn't sure whether or not he should come, but you really want, need, him there.

"I promise you're ok to be there, I'd really love it if you came, please?"

"Ok, love"

"Hi Mum, happy birthday! It's been three years, I miss you so much! I love you, oh and this is my boyfriend, Will, he helped me cope with things. Well I'll see you next year, goodbye...." You start tearing up while taking to the gravestone that marks where your Mother is buried...

*AN* Sorry I took so long to update!! For some reason it wouldn't let me log in... xx

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