You get hate from 'fans'

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Your POV: "Slut," "bitch," "famewhore" the list just goes on and on, all this from Ed's 'fans.' I know I'm not the prettiest, smartest or the best in any way, but I really don't need tonnes of people telling me that. I don't choose to take stuff like this to heart but it's pretty hard not to! Honesty right now isn't one of those times when I'm glad to be dating the Ed Sheeran, like I love Ed more than anything, I'm not saying I want to leave him, but sometimes I wish he wasn't famous. That would make it easier. And I know I really shouldn't check social media but it's virtually impossible not to.
I hear a knock on our bedroom door, that must be Ed. He comes in and immediately asks me what's wrong? Turns out I've been crying a bit from all the hate, I didn't even realise. I don't really want to tell Ed why I'm crying, but he keeps asking and then he uses the puppy face (how could I resist??) so I tell him the story. He gets a bit mad and then assures me that I'm none of those things, I'm beautiful, lovely, sweet, nice and more, well that's what he says anyway.
After I promise to try not to care about the haters he wipes away my tears and cuddles with me for the rest of the night.

Ed's POV: "Ok that's enough for today, great work Ed!" My manager, Stu, says to me with a smile. I've just finished another day of recording in the studio, I'm currently starting to work on my next album, 'Divide,' since my album, 'Multiply,' was such an amazing success I need to keep up the work. I've already got enough songs written, so now I've just got to perfect them and decide if they're ideal for this album, there's so many songs that will never be put on any albums, but that's just the way it is. "Another great day at the studio, looking forward to seeing (Y/T/N) at home now x" I quickly tweet to the fans, I like to keep them in the loop with stuff, as least as much as I can. Luckily mine and (Y/N)'s house is close by so I can just walk home, I really need to learn to drive! When I arrive home, after taking of my hoodie and shoes I head into our room. Knocking on the door I enter the room, I can immediately see that (Y/N) has been crying, but why?? She seemed happy when I left this morning after breakfast. I question her on the matter but she doesn't seem to want to say, but eventually after awhile she admits that she's getting some hate from 'fans' and that it's hurting her. I can't believe it! Most of my fans are really great and respectful, but some of them just can't handle that I'm with (Y/N), they need to realise that if they hurt (Y/N) they hurt me! I tell her that what they're saying isn't true, really she's great in every way, I just wish she'd see that! She promises to try and care less about what they say and I cuddle with her for the rest of the night.

*AN* I'm going to publish each one as a separate chapter, and since I finally got my Mac I can dedicate them to people, because @TheDyleShipperIsHere gave me the base idea for them so I will be dedicating them to her :) x

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