Tour Goodbyes

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Your POV:

"Goodbye (Y/N), I love you ok, don't forget that" Ed says to me and even his eyes are tearing up. Me on the other hand, I'm full on crying, and I shouldn't be, after all he'll be back in a few months. But to me the thought of no Ed for even a few months seems impossible to bear, not like I have any choice though. Wiping my tears away as best I can I embrace Ed tightly. We just stand there, hugging and enjoying out last few moments together. 'All passengers please boards now, this is the last call all passengers for flight 526 must board now' the sound of a loud speaker interrupts, forcing us to pull apart. Bye Ed! I love you more than anything, don't forget about me ok? I find myself saying through the tears. "I could never do that! I'll call you after I land, promise." And with that he disappears into the sky, leaving me standing, crying at the airport.

Your POV

Dan is leaving for another tour, I support his career so much, but it doesn't make this any easier, sure we'll be able to phone and FaceTime but it's just not the same, sigh. "Bye Love, I'll miss you loads." He says, interrupting my silent talking. But there's nothing I can do to change what's happening so I lean over and kiss him passionately, both our mouths never wanting to let go, our last kiss for the next few months. "Hey can you love birds knock it off? I'm watching!" Kyle shouts at us, blushing we part and he walks over to the band. I wave at him until he's out of sight.

Your POV:

"I'm going to miss you so much sweetheart!" Woody says to me with a sad smile. I'll miss you too Woody, don't forget about me ok? I reply. Not answering, instead he hands me a pile of letters, "these are for you, read one each day, no more!" I can't believe he'd do something like that for me! I'm crying even more because of his sweetness, but before I can fall into a sobbing mess he has to leave.

Opening the first letter I begin to read it.

Dear (Y/N).....

Your POV:

"Ok, now these are for you! If you feel sad just look at them = no longer sad!" Kyle says handing me pile of photos to me and looking pleased with himself. I take the top one and look at it, it's a cat picture! Of course that's what Kyle would give me! Even though I'm going to miss him so much this simple act has made me see that he really does care about me. We hug until he has to leave. Wiping away some tears that escaped I look at the photos, smiling a tiny bit.

Your POV:

I didn't want to say goodbye to Will at the airport, I knew I'd end up crying and it would just be too much. So we'd said our goodbyes the night before and enjoyed the last night we'd have together in the coming months, something I'm sure we'll both really miss. Will had already left by the time I force myself out of bed, sitting done to eat breakfast I spy a folded piece of paper, turns out Will left me a letter. By the time I finish in tears, both happy and sad.

Bastille and Ed Sheeran imagines/preferencesOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant