Us Against The World? (Pt ll)

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(This is part ll, part l is a few chapters back, be sure to read it first)

Your POV: Walking in the house I can't see him anywhere, my heart sinks lower than I thought possible, he could be in the bathroom or something. I silently tell myself, trying to keep positive, I'm terrible at that though. With every room I get more and more panicky until I finally find him; sitting on our bed 'eating' his fist, something I've noticed he does when nervous. I can't explain how happy I am to see him, knowing that he's alive someone make this whole horrendous thing closer to bearable.

Dan oh thank god you're alive! I thought they got you, I'm just so happy that you're alright! Don't leave me again ok? I start, almost sobbing with relief by now.

"(Y/N), I'm so overjoyed," he begins, and neither of us even laughs at him naming his own song. "That you're ok. But what's happening??? I can't help but think that I'm dreaming, this just seems so unreal! Do you know what going on?? He finishes, seeming more scared than I've ever seen him before.

Well, it all started when.........

And here I am with you. I end. I myself still have so many questions, how did it start? Is there a cure? Is it worldwide, or just London? Is this some kind of sick joke? Am I dreaming? The list goes on. I wish I'd listened to the radio before, I now assume that's what she was talking about.

But the biggest question is whether anyone we know is ok. Woody, Will, Kyle our families our friends etc. I don't know how Dan and I will cope if they're not, but realistically not all, if any of them are, and we need to face that fact. But for now the main thing is that Dan and I try as hard as possible to stay alive. This sure isn't how I expected our 'anniversary' would go......

*Three weeks later*

Dan's POV: It's been three weeks since that fateful day, and things have been unimaginably hard. We have no water (only the bottles we had), power or internet, meaning we haven't been able to learn anything about what caused this or how widespread it is. We also don't know if our loved ones are ok, they'll have no internet like us so there's not really any way to find out. (Y/N) and I are trying to stay positive but it's really difficult. This really sounds like something out of a movie, but I can assure you it's not, this is all real, painfully real. I never thought I'd be faced with this kind of situation so I wasn't at all prepared.

"Dan, what are we going to do? There's no food left, we have to get more, but there's things out there." She shivers when saying 'things' I can't tell she's pretty scared and I am too, 'but you're the man, you've got to protect her!' My conscience tells me, and I know it's right.

Alright (Y/N), if we're out of food there's only one thing we can do; go out and get some more. It's bloody scary but we've got no choice. Now do you want to come or stay here? I ask.

"Umm, I'll come, plus I can't let you go alone!" She replies bravely, but I still hear the squeak in her voice, she's terrified.

We draw up a plan of attack, assuming that a cure hasn't been found and everything's back to normal there will be zombies wandering around looking to capture us, so we need to get some kind of protection, without it our chances are next to none.

Love, we need to be smart about this. Any ideas on how to do so? I question. I do have one idea, but it honestly seems really far fetched, I know normally neither (Y/N) or I would ever consider this but we've got to fight our hardest after all, I remind myself.

Not getting an answer from (Y/N) I begin to speak.

I have an I know it seems extreme but here goes; There's a gun shop a few miles away from us, an old friend of mine and Kyle's -my voice shakes a little at mentioning him, I hope more than anything that he and the rest of the band are ok- anyway this friend owns it. I have a spare key, (Y/N) I think we should get guns. Ok?.. She looks at me for a few seconds, almost as though in shock at what I said, before answering.

Bastille and Ed Sheeran imagines/preferencesOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant