Post it notes

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Hi love! I had to go into the

studio early today, sorry for not

waking you but you looked so cute

sleeping, I didn't want to bother you.

I'll be home later, maybe we can have

a movie marathon? Hope you have an ok

Day without me ;)

Love Ed


Hi (Y/N),

I know you said not to do anything

For your birthday but I couldn't resist,

It is such a special day after all! Meet

Woody at the door, he'll take you to

the surprise. Dress casual-ish, I hope

you like it, I'll shut up now

Dan x


Hey baby!

Happy anniversary!! The flowers next

To this note contain the next clue as to

Where we'll be going. I eagerly await

Seeing you!

xx Woody


Babe, so I know you said no more cats

But.....I saw two little ones, they had no home

I had to get them! I'm currently out buying supplies

For them, they're in the bathroom, look at their faces!

I hope you're not too mad

xx Kyle (catman)


Hello m'lady

Haha anyway I

Took the kids to the

Park, if you'd like to

Join us that would be

Awesome! I hope you

Had a good day at work

xx your knight, Will

*AN* Sorry it's a little late, I had no internet, but I hope you all enjoyed it, and remember if you want a personal imagine please comment the following;

Your name (or whatever name you want)

Who you want it with (Ed, Dan, Woody, Kyle or Will)

What you want to happen eg. wedding with Woody

What theme you want eg. cute, sad etc (as always no smut)

And any other details you want included :) plus I love feedback and/or votes! :) xx Bella

Bastille and Ed Sheeran imagines/preferencesOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant