His favourite dirty pick-up line

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[warning: these will obviously be dirty so don't read if you don't like that kind of stuff, ok? Cool, well read on if you want to]

Ed: "Lets take the elevator"

Dan: "I won't just put some joy upon your face."

Woody: "What's my name? I'll give you a clue; it's what you're giving me."

Kyle: "I'd love to see your pussy"

Will: "I'm bassist; I can do wonders with my fingers"

*AN* I just checked and this story has gotten 387 votes and over 10,000 views!!!! I would just like to thank you people so much!! I can't believe anyone reads my stories, I'm genuinely blown away. So thank you again, I hope you find money on the ground and have the best day/night!!! :) xx Bella

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