Durban Skies

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"All that I've got to be thankful for"

"(Y/N), please just stay with me for a little bit. I need you...." Ed quietly mumbles to you.

It's very early, you need to leave for work but Ed seems to have other ideas.

"Ed, you know I have to go...."

"Noo! Just call in sick, please?" He looks up at you with those adorable eyes that you just can't resist.


"Thank you! I love you (Y/N). And right now I just want to cuddle with you."


"When you take me there, we drive through the city"

"You really used to live there?" Dan asks in a concerned tone.

"Yes...I'm not proud of it, nor was it fun but I had to live somewhere....I understand if you don't want to see me anymore because of this....."

"No! (Y/N), everyone has a past, some are good some are not. But the important thing is the future. And your future belongs with come and give me a hug"


"Lord, you were so young"

"Hi, (Y/N), I hope you're doing well....we just started a new's-it's fun, would've been better if you were there though....I've got to go now......Bye (Y/N)..."

It's been three years since the accident that caused your death, Woody didn't take it well, but he's trying to get better and better, he has to.


"On the day you made your vows"

"Hey remember when we were writing our vows?" Kyle asks you while smirking.

"Yes I remember, you don't have to keep banging on about it!" You try to sound angry but end up sounding closer to amused.

You and Kyle have been married for 11 months now and you'll admit when you and him were thinking of your vows you weren't exactly 'professional,' more like laughing your ass off to be honest. But you got them done in the end and everything was fine.

But you know you're being too childish when Kyle, aka the king of childishness, tells you to be more serious!


"We drive through the city"

"C'mon, Will! Let's just drive, I don't care where we end up!" You say to Will.

Right now you really feel like driving around the city and anywhere that you might end up.

"But it's late and I'm drawing..." Will grumbles but still grabs his jacket.

"Yay! Now let's go and have an adventure! Just you and me, it'll be great!"

Who knows what might happen tonight!

*AN* this was requested by @BastilleCourtney and it's lyrics from the song 'Durban Skies' by Bastille. I hope you people enjoy it :) xx Bella

Bastille and Ed Sheeran imagines/preferencesOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant