A celeb/friend/family speaks about your relationship

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Ed: "they're just so connected to each other, they way they act is so lovely, I expect their relationship to last a very long time" says Ed's good friend Rupert Grint.

Dan: "I've never seen Dan like this, he's fully in love with (Y/N) and I wish them the very best" says Ralph with a smile.

Woody: "I can see the love for each other that they share, it's so beautiful and I'm really glad they've found a love like that" says your best friend (Y/B/F).

Kyle: "they way they look at each other is so love-filled and it makes me so happy to see Kyle like that" says Kyle's teary-eyed Mum.

Will: "I was worried that he wasn't good enough for (Y/N) but after I met him I saw the love he feels for her and he's so gentlemanly, I'm happy they've got a love like this" says your brother.

*AN* I checked and this book has gotten 215 reads and 19 votes!!!! I know this probably doesn't seem like much, but it really means a lot to me, so a huge thanks to you guys!!!! :") and I hope to continue updating at least once every day :) x

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