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*flashback* "I'm sorry Ed, I'm really sorry but I can't do this anymore. I think it's best if we just end it now, try to save the tears. You'll have more fun without being tied down to me. It's for the best honestly. I'll always love you....but it's over. Find someone who travels as much as you or something. This is it, goodbye Ed."

Ed's POV: It's been a few years since, my at-the-time love of my life, Alice, left, I understand why she did, Im almost never home it wouldn't be fair on her, but still when she said those words my heart broke into a million pieces, I'm starting to pick them back up now. I've released an album, '+,' and my popularity has grown so much, I actually have fans, like its unbelievable! I've made so many friends, some more than that. But I've never really gotten over Alice, I really thought we'd be spending the rest of our lives together, a house, some kids and pets, but I guess it just wasn't meant to be, and I'm sure one day I'll get over her and find my true love, but for now I'm not really looking for anything like that. It just feels like she's the only one, aha that's it! I get the sudden inspiration for a song, grabbing my notebook and a pen I start scribbling down lyrics. I can feel a certain finality in them, maybe this will be the last song I write about Alice.

*AN* I've finally updated!! Sorry its not great and pretty short. I'm aiming to start updating everyday again, but I'm kinda lacking inspiration so if you have any ideas please comment them, or if you'd like a personal imagine comment the following:

Your name (or whatever name you want)

Which guy, Ed, Dan, Woody, Kyle or Will

What you want to happen, eg. you meet at a concert, he proposes etc.

What style you want eg. sad, cute etc (I would rather not do smut as I'm trying to keep it roughly all ages)

I would really love to keep updating, so don't be shy to request one! :) xx Bella

Bastille and Ed Sheeran imagines/preferencesOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant