The Unfair Casuality

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     "I'm sorry Castiel but those are the rules and regardless for you being who you are, the school board can't give you any leniency here. It's not too bad either, it's just three classes of yet more science for something simpler that could be more relaxing and enjoyable for your last year here", my guidance counselor Mrs. Roberts explained. I sighed in frustration, knowing that she was right but angry that I couldn't change any of it. She did some typing on her computer and let out a soft sigh of her own. "Here's what I'll do. I'm printing off a list of the electives we offer and by Wednesday I want you to have picked three of them so we can get your schedule to you and get your final year moving along." She grabbed some papers off the printer behind her and handed them to me. It took all I had to not grimace in disgust at them.

     I took them anyway though and gave her a small smile before quickly exiting to get back to first period seeing as it would be one of my last times in the class and I should try and learn something quick before I got moved to a new class. The teacher nodded towards my chair when I got back, apparently waiting for me. It was really upsetting to give up some of these classes, I've been working hard to know as much as possible to become a doctor later in life and I know this won't ruin my chances but it's still awfully unsettling. The rest of the first day was simple with get-to-know activities and the passing out of books and list of supplies to get. When lunch rolled around I was both upset and relieved. I was tired of telling people what they already knew about me and listening to things I already knew about other people.

     My slight frown turned into a loop-sided smile when I saw my friends waving me over to our table, desperately wanting to put their input into the electives I'd have to take before anyone else could. "Castiel get over here faster", Jo groaned at me. I chuckled and shook my head slightly.

     "You know, they say patience is a virtue everyone should have or learn to posses", I teased as I sat down between her and Charlie. 

     "Oh hush you goon", she laughed. "Do you know what electives you're going to take? I mean I know which ones you should do but do you have any ideas?" I started to respond but she caught me off. "Of course you don't. Don't be so mad that you have to take them, it'll be good for you. Plus maybe we could actually have a class together for the first and last time of our high school years."

     "If you have to take an extracurricular", Charlie started, "you should take theater. You'd be perfect for the serious plays that Mrs. Neuhaus choose for us. Plus you've probably read most of them since you read all those stupid classics everyone else hates. Or you could even be crew and get a really easy credit."

     "Uh no your first choice should obviously be auto mechanics. That class is easy and entertaining and Dean-", Jo started and then stopped after seeing my puzzled expression. "Mr. Winchester, the teacher, who wants you to call him Dean by the way. He is so funny and I swear if I didn't consider him a friend or even a older brother since he's always been around like family, then I would totally wanna flirt with that man. God he is so attractive and the only bad thing is that everyone knows it so all the girls drool over him instead of working."

     "To be fair, I did not know that and also how can people even think like that? He's just a teacher. Plus teaching auto mechanics? Is he not some old greased up bearded guy who needs a hobby or something?"

     The whole table scoffed at me. "Honestly Castiel you live under a rock, or a book I guess. Have you really not seen him around", Anna asked. I shook my head and jaws dropped. "God, you haven't lived then Castiel! He makes coming to school soooo worth it. He's young, he's hot, and if he does just need a hobby I'm just glad he choose teaching so that I can see him in the halls." I rolled my eyes at this ridiculous statement. How could anyone see a teacher that way? To me that is extremely weird but as I am learning about this teacher I am discovering it's considered weird for me to not know him.

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