Worst Party in History

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"With the lights out, it's less dangerous. Here we are now, entertain us", Jo sang or more like screamed from my bedroom. I rolled my eyes at her excitement for the party but grinned because let's face it, I'm pretty excited too. It was mid February now and Jo, along with literally the whole group was at me and Gabe's apartment to get ready. The girls were all in my room, and the majority of the guys went to Gabe's room, although there were a few who changed in the bathroom. I was out in the living room looking in a mirror to fuck with my hair to look somewhat decent. Jo would definitely bitch if I wasn't.
I sat on my couch and texted Dean while I waited for everyone to get ready, seeing as how once I knew they were coming over I got ready in advance. I was waiting for seven to roll around when my phone vibrated, meaning Dean texted back.
Dean: are you sure you have to go? I want to be with you :(
Me: unfortunately I do, you know how Jo is..I would much rather be spending my night with you
Dean: she pisses me off sometimes, stealing my man and all lol
Me: I know
Dean: just promise to have fun and be safe, text when you get there and home please
Me: I will, love you
Dean: love you too babe
Our texts brought a large grin to my face as well as an eye roll to his unnecessary worrying. "Did he send you a dick pic or something", I heard suddenly. I looked up to see Balthazar coming to plop down beside me on the couch. I gave him a confused look and he sighed. "You're grinning like an absolute idiot so you must be texting Dean. What could he send but his dick to make you that happy", he asked jokingly. I shoved him and he chuckled. If there was one thing I was enjoying about Bal dating Gabe, it was that things between us were no longer weird. It was making life around him a lot easier yet harder in some ways too. "So tell me something. Why did you stay here instead of go with Gabriel to visit your brothers?"
"I stayed because I have a perfect attendance to keep up. Plus Dean didn't work yesterday so I could be with him. And we all know Jo would murder me if she didn't get to get me dressed up. Too many reasons so it would be easier to stay here", I explained with a shrug. Plus a week at college with my brothers seemed a little too overly hectic for me.
"Why not bring Dean", Balthazar asked.
"You're kidding right", I questioned back. He gave me a confused look before his eyes widened, signaling he understood. People would see and Dean would get fired.
"I forgot, sorry Cas", he apologized. I shrugged because it wasn't that big a deal, it was a good question to be truthful. Everyone at the party would get to drunk to remember who was and wasn't there anyway but still. It was better not to be risking it. Especially since in a few short months he wouldn't be my teacher anymore so the matter wouldn't be an issue. We could hold out for a few more months of secrecy.
Slowly but surely people started retreating from the rooms in somewhat decent clothes for the guys and dresses or skirts with fancy blouses for the girls. Us guys obviously knew how to be comfortable at a party where the girls only cared for how great they looked. Even Jo, who normally wouldn't dress up for anything, was in a tight black laced dress. Once we were sure everyone had everything and was ready, we headed out the door for what was going to be a interesting night.

We pulled up at a large mansion roughly an hour and a half later. Several people were already there, my brothers included from what I could tell with Luc's car in the drive. When we walked inside, the girls chatted excitedly while us guys went to get some drinks. That was where we found our brothers, Gabriel automatically moving to meet Balthazar with a kiss. I looked at Luc and made a gagging motion, resulting in a few laughs. I got a hug from each of my brothers before they were helping me to create drinks for the girls.
The music was light when we first walked in but when we met the girls and everyone had a drink in hand, the volume raised. From there the party really began. The host had yet to be seen after an hour of sloppy dancing and many drinks. Garth was our DD for the night and was hanging with Micheal and a few of his friends who also weren't getting too hammered but at least they drank some. That also left Garth available to bring us several drinks when we asked for them. Lucky for us, Garth loves to be a bartender so he can make others suffer without him getting dragged down to, so we had an endless supply of drinks. A upbeat song was currently blaring and Jo grabbed me to grind with until she could spot the "perfect" college guy.
Although really practically everyone was grinding because there was little room anywhere to move. Really everyone stood in one spot and swayed their hips but there wasn't a lot of room for much else, even though it was one the largest rooms I'd ever seen. Minutes faded into hours that consisted of off beat dancing and strong drinks, courtesy of Garth. Everyone was beyond buzzed after a short while and as the night progressed, it got worse. Lucifer eventually found me and threw an arm around me and Jo's shoulder to sway along with us, screaming along to the song currently on. "All that I'm after is a life full of laughter, as long as I'm laughing with you", he sang very off key. I couldn't judge much though because I was the same way.
A few minutes later he disappeared and Jo was dragged away by some hot guy who Jo immediately was drooling over. I rolled my eyes and decided that then was a good time for a bathroom break. It took several minutes, but I finally managed to slip out of the crowd and up the stairs. I searched several doors in the long hallway before finally finding a restroom. I sighed in relief as my overly filled bladder was relieved. I washed my hands quickly and redid my pants before slipping back in the hall, where I was grabbed and lead into a dark room. As my eyes adjusted, I realized I had entered a bedroom and a large one at that. My mind was clouded and fuzzy but I knew right away something was off. I shouldn't be in the bedroom, who brought me in?
I spun around to find that person advancing towards me, and I tried to not throw up. "Hey pretty boy", Alastair purred in my ear. I swallowed back vomit and grit my teeth so hard I was surprised my teeth didn't crush to pieces.
"What the fuck do you want Alastair", I demanded. Even with the large amount of alcohol taking over my brain, I knew this was bad. Seeing Alastair and his creepy ass smile and stares sobered me some, but no where near enough.
"Isn't it obvious angel", he questioned. I backed up and ran into the bed, putting my hands up to try and prepare myself, even though there wasn't much I could do. I was far too intoxicated to be much use in a fight. Hopefully he would just beat me quick and leave. His next words shook me to my core though and I realized the situation was far worse than I realized. "I want to fuck you", he growled. With that he was shoving me on the bed and shoving his lips onto mine. I pushed at him as best as I could but he pinned my arms above my head and pinned my legs down in between his, leaving me mostly immobile. He moved back down to kiss me and was shoving his tongue into my mouth.
I wiggled in protest and tried to break free but it was no use. He caught me with my guard down and I was unbelievably drunk. I needed to try and get someone else to help. I head butted Alastair as hard as I could, resulting in him moving back ever so slightly. "Help me", I screamed. "Someone! Help! Help me", I screeched. I was shoving at Alastair but he flipped me onto my stomach and twisted my hands behind my back. I cried out in pain and screamed louder and louder as he used one hand to yank my pants down, before doing the same for himself.
I tried to fight against him again and again but he wouldn't budge. "The more you fight the worse it'll be angel", he panted in my ear. "Also, the music is too loud. No one can hear you scream, so shut the fuck up." At the end he griped my head and yanked it to the side to slap me hard before shoving himself inside me. There was no prep, no lube, and zero comfort or want for this. I screamed bloody murder and tried to push him off. I tried to get my legs to kick him, and tried to make my screams even louder. Alastair rammed in and out harder and harder, and it wasn't until he slapped me again and cursed me out for crying that I realized tears were pouring down my face.
I screamed and screamed, my voice going hoarse eventually. The fight eventually left me until I was weak and crying against the bed as Alastair forced himself in from behind me. This way I didn't have to see his face while he did this, but it didn't make it any easier. It was painful and unpleasant. This is rape. I should've just stayed with my friends. No. I shouldn't have even have come to the party. I should've stayed with Dean and I could be having sex with him right now, not getting raped in a strangers bedroom with someone I despised. "I'm so close angel", he purred in my ear, making me nauseous. "You're so damn tight", he moaned. He rammed in again and hit my prostate, causing me to cry in pain.
My whole body hurt and I felt sore and stiff all over. I felt dirty and gross and just wanted it to end already. It occurred to me then that Alastair didn't even have a condom and more than likely would come in me. The thought caused me to throw up in my mouth and I spit some out on the bed, not able to keep it all in. I felt Alastair getting tense and he had to be close, so I pulled whatever strength I still had to fight against him. As he pulled out to go in again, I slid slightly to where he slipped fully out and came in the bed. He cried out before grabbing my hair and throwing me to the ground. He kicked my sides and back and head for moving and ruining what he considered a good fuck.
I just laid on the floor and took the beating, waiting for him to leave. He finally did after forcing more kissing and kicking me more. When he was gone, I remained on the floor and cried. I cried and screamed and cried some more until it felt like hours had passed. I stumbled to my feet and across the hall to the bathroom, just in time to vomit in the toilet. I threw up and it kept coming and coming. Between the vomit and screaming my throat hurt like a bitch, but no drink would help. I just wanted to go home. I wiped my mouth and rinsed it out with water from the faucet before stumbling down the stairs.
Downstairs everyone was drinking, dancing, singing, and laughing like everything was fine. Like nothing bad had just occurred in the upstairs. I searched up and down for my friends and finally found Garth in the kitchen. He looked up with a grin as I approached although it faded quickly. "Castiel? What's wrong? You look terrible", he exclaimed. I chocked back tears and more vomit.
"Find everyone. We gotta go", I whimpered. He nodded and dropped the drink he had, grabbing my arm and pulling me to the dance floor to find out friends. Somewhere in the crowd, I lost Garth and bumped directly into Meg.
"Hey Clarence", she flirted. She batted her eye lashes and rubbed against me, casings me to fight back even more vomit. "If you didn't have a fun time earlier, there's always time with me." She leaned in close to whisper the last part in my ear, "I've been known to cure some horrible things." She leaned back and winked and Jo pulled me away right before my fist connected with her face. She shrieked in surprise and smirked before running off.
"Cas", Jo asked. She stepped in front of him and was searching his face, trying to find a clue as to what happened. "Are you okay?"
"Let's just go", I mumbled.
"We want to stay, it's not even elven yet! Gabriel is taking us back tomorrow but you, Crowley, and Garth can head back home. Will you be okay", I nodded and stumbled away, Garth and Crowley following close behind. Crowley drank a lot but he seemed better now than earlier in the night. At least he had his senses with him know.
"You don't look too good mate. Are you okay", he asked worriedly. I shook my head and walked faster to the car. We reached the car and were half an hour from home when they finally spoke again next. "Do you want to go home or to Dean's?" The mention of Dean made my eyes water and I fought tears back.
"Home please", I chocked out. They both looked back, obviously concerned but there was no way I could talk about what happened. Not to them and not even to Dean. Not know, if ever. I just needed to act like it never happened and hope I would forget the night. We pulled up to my house and after assuring them I would be fine, I ran to my and Gabe's apartment. I slammed and locked the door behind me and ran to my bed, flopping down on it as I let out a blood curdling scream. The scream quickly turned into ugly sobbing and it occurred to me I was supposed to text Dean. I sent a quick text that I was home before tossing me phone on the nightstand.
I hurriedly undressed and grabbed my phone before running to the bathroom. I threw up again and put on some Metallica and Nirvana before stepping into the shower, hoping to scrub myself clean. I scrubbed myself down until I was red and bleeding in several spots from scratching myself before I rinsed off and got out. I dropped to the bathroom floor and heard my phone vibrating. I blindly grabbed for it, seeing a text from Dean.
Dean: glad you're back safely, I love and miss you baby
I sent him a text back saying I loved him before turning back to the toilet. At this point there was nothing left for me to throw up but as the nights events replayed in my mind all I could do was be sick. I let out another strangled sob before going back to my room, throwing on sweatpants and a sweatshirt. I threw myself under the covers of the bed before crying myself to a fitful sleep. If that was what I got from parties, I never wanted to go to one ever again.

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