Healing Process

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      "What the hell are you doing", I laughed. Dean was laughing too, yet trying to act offended. 

       "I'm cooking, duh", he joked. I rolled my eyes because whatever he was doing, it wasn't cooking. I was leaning against the counter in his kitchen, watching him fiddle with something over the stove. 

       "If you want to call it that", I muttered. After saying this, I felt something wet hit my face. Dean had flicked water at me.

       "I am", he shouted. "I swear I am. You'll see it'll be fine." He turned back to the vegetables, that he literally just bought, in front of him. While I was in the bathroom he discovered he had whiskey, a leftover pizza, beer, and some chips. After he had dragged me out of the bathroom, he made the decision that he needed to go grocery shopping. Rather than been seen with a severely beaten teenager in the store and bringing me a lot of pain to move, he went alone and I stayed at his house watching television.

       He had returned with a large variety of ingredients, the only semi-healthy ones being the potatoes, carrots, and a few other random vegetables he was currently chopping up. He continued to say he knew what he was doing and that it was a homemade recipe. However, I know plenty about homemade recipes thanks to my mother and I was still dumbfounded at what he was currently trying to make. I just stood there watching him as he continued to cut things up and throw random stuff in a pot. Honestly if I knew what all ingredients were actually spread in front of him I could probably make out what he was making. I could not tell though because he was refusing to let me know, apparently he wanted it to be a surprise. 

      "You know it would probably go a lot faster if you let me help", I pointed out. I could not see his face but I could tell he was rolling his eyes at me.  

      "Yeah that's not happening", he replied. "I'm cooking. I'm gonna surprise you with what food this is and also my fabulous cooking skills." He turned away quickly to wink at me before he turned his attention back to the food. "You're making me nervous", he exclaimed. 

      "How? I am literally just standing here", I shouted with a laugh that caused me quite a bit of pain. 

     "Exactly! You're just standing there watching me and it's making me nervous", he chuckled. "In the living room there are a shit ton of movies and stuff. Go see if there's anything you like and if not find something on the television cause we'll need something to watch with dinner." I rolled my eyes again before pushing myself away from the counter and headed towards the living room. Under his television stand there were hundreds of movies stacked on one another and were tightly packed. The movies consisted mainly of action movies, including all the Fast & Furious movies. He also had the Taken movies, National Security, both It's, and some classic horror films. There were many different movies and I got overwhelmed with possibilities.  

      I was looking at the Star Wars, Marvel, and other movies kids in my class would consider nerdy. I let out a quiet laugh when I saw movies like This is the End, Zombieland, Shawn of the Dead, and a few other movies along the same story plot as those. I suddenly felt Dean crouch down behind me and his mouth moved to my ear.

      "What's so funny", he asked.

      "Your movie selection", I replied with a grin. He rolled his eyes at me again. "Shouldn't you be doing something?' I hinted and he nodded. 

      "Yeah, this", he said before leaning forward to kiss me quickly. He kept doing that, just small pecks and it was driving me crazy. I wanted him to kiss me again like he did in his bedroom or back in his classroom but something told me he was probably too afraid of hurting me. 

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