One Big Mess

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        "Jesus have patience", someone groaned as I came to. I held back a groan of my own as I realized my entire body hurt. I couldn't open my eyes even if I wanted to, which I didn't. There was thumping going on somewhere and it sounded so far away. Everything did though, maybe it was because of me being out so long. Even though technically I didn't know how long I had been out for. I opened my mouth to speak but no words came out and I ended up gasping for breath. My throat hurt so bad and felt unbelievably tight.
        "Hey hey hey, his breathing is all pitched and shit", I heard someone say. It almost sounded like Gabriel.
        "Gabe" I questioned hoarsely. Although if any sound came out at all was beyond me.
        "Cas? Cas you alive", I heard Gabriel call out. I wanted to grin as I could tell he was being dramatic but I couldn't. My face was too stiff. 
        "I'm going to get the nurse", someone else said, Micheal maybe?
        "Get my mom too", I heard a feminine voice say. I willed my eyes open, although only one opened more than halfway. I was met with a bright light that definitely had me groaning. Suddenly one of the lights was off, dimming the room slightly. I looked around the room as much as possible, which wasn't much with my neck hurting so bad and one eye being so fucked up. "Cas", the voice questioned. I closed  eyes and opened them again, to find out I wasn't imagining things.
        "Jo?" I couldn't get anything else out before a coughing fit took over me and a nurse rushed in.
        "Try to relax Mr. Novak. Your lungs are, as well as the rest of you, pretty bruised. Your body is experiencing a load of pain and you should try to stay still. Are you thirsty?" I nodded slightly and watched her fiddle with some things before running back out of them room. Micheal and Ellen came in as she left and they rushed over.
        "Jesus fuck little brother", Lucifer exclaimed. "You gave us a fright." I mumbled a sorry before the nurse and what I assume is a doctor rushed in.
        "Ah Mr. Novak. Good morning. How are you feeling this morning? On the pain scale of one to ten?" I didn't even bother responding but I held up eight fingers for him. The nurse handed me a cup of water which I took and started drinking immediately.
        "Whoa there. Slow down, you don't want to overdue it, even though I'm sure you're throat is asking for more. Mr. Novak, as I'm sure you've discovered by now, you're in the hospital. The young blonde and a nice male came in last night with you and got you emitted. Your arm and wrist are broken as well as your nose. Not to mention all the bruises, the black eye, and the busted lip. Care to explain the reason for the damage?"
       "I'm good", I responded hoarsely. I heard Gabriel chuckle before someone stepped on his foot, making him yelp but quiet down.
        "Are you sure about that", the doctor asked. I nodded and he sighed. "Very well. We'll try that subject a little later then. I'm sure you're very tired so Nurse Mosley here will get you some more water and pain killers. Try to relax and get to feeling better. I'll check up on you in awhile." With that he left the room and let the nurse do her thing.
        "Well sugar you're all set. Do try and find a convincing story why don't ya? The same ones over and over again get kind of boring, give yours a twist. Holler if you need something." Ellen thanked her and she left, leaving me with a lot of people with loads of questions.
        "Christ mate, you head straight for trouble don't you", Crowley asked. I grinned slightly before groaning.
        "Relax Castiel. You've had a long night and early morning. Get some rest and we can all come back and talk in awhile okay", Ellen questioned.
        "Actually if it's alright can I talk to Jo alone for a second please", I whispered. They all nodded before coming to give me a hug, as gently as possible, or in Crowley's case a pat on the foot, before exiting the room. Once they were all gone I turned to look at Jo who was very quiet and suddenly interested in the floor. "Thanks for getting me here", I said quietly. She shook her head and laughed a little even though it sounded very pained.
        "Don't. Don't thank me", said demanded with a voice crack. She looked as if she was on the verge of tears and it suddenly brought tears to my eyes too. "Out of all the ways I thought I'd have to talk to you again, I didn't think it would be from seeing you in the hospital after being beaten. And to top it off it was the guy who raped you who was doing it", she sobbed. "We didn't get to you fast enough and now you're entirety fucked up so don't even bother thanking me."
        "It wasn't your fault-", I started. She held her hand up and I stopped talking. It was silent for a moment before I decided it was now or never. "I'm sorry Jo", I startled her. "I'm sorry I hurt you and Dean and I'm sorry for everything that happened and that you had to be here and-."
        Jo started crying more and came up to me and pulled my into a home crushing hug which definitely didn't feel good. I fought off several groans and started crying myself, just glad to have her near me again. "Don't you apologize. I jumped to conclusions and thought the worse. I didn't let you say your side and I turned everyone against you. I told Dean about the party and I brought him that pain when it wasn't even true. I was so pissed I didn't stop to think about what you might say about it all besides lies and I freaked. And look how that turned out." We stopped crying by then though we still had some tears running down our face.
        "You look as bad as I do now", I joked. She grinned and wiped at her eyes before responding.
        "I wouldn't be too sure about that hot stuff. Have you seen your face lately?" I laughed softly and groaned at the pain in my chest. "We can talk more later Castiel. They've pumped so many pain killers in you the fact you woke up is shocking. Mom was right. I need to hear you out, even though she basically told me everything you said at the diner. Sleep and I swear I'll still be around when you wake up again." I nodded and let out a yawn. She got up and left, turning the light out behind her. I took a final sip of water before setting my cup down and letting the overwhelming want for sleep to take over.

I woke up god knows how much later to the sound of laughter. I cracked my eyes open and turned my head to see my brothers conversing and I smiled a bit to myself, until Lucifer saw me awake. He kicked Gabriel's foot and hit Micheal's shoulder before coming over to the bed. "Hey Castiel. How you feeling", he asked.
"I'm sore", I croaked.
"And apparently thirsty. Just a sec", Gabriel pointed out as he hopped to his feet and rushed out the door. He returned a moment later with water in hand and a nurse closely following, my nurse actually. He handed me the water as she hit him upside the head. "Hey! That hurt!"
"Boy you lucky it was my hand and your head. Running off with my things, what are you thinking", she demanded. I laughed quietly to myself and noticed Micheal and Lucifer were also trying not to laugh. After staring down Gabriel a second longer, she turned her attention to me. "Hey sug, how are you feeling this evening?"
"Fine. Just thirsty", I replied as I drank some more water. I chugged it, bruised lungs be damned, cause fuck did my throat hurt.
"Well all your vitals are good. As long as you don't get worse or have more pain, you should be released tomorrow morning. No school tomorrow though, I want you to get your rest. Understand?" I nodding to signal I understood and she smiled at me, gave Gabriel another look, and left the room.
"Can't even get water without getting in trouble huh Gabe", Micheal asked with a laugh. He grumbled a shut up and I heard chuckling from the door.
"We were gone for half an hour and you got scolded? Talk about a personal low", Jo teased as she walked into the room from behind Ellen. She was carrying some bags and I realized Ellen had a few boxes in her hand.
"Is that pizza", I questioned as my stomach growled.
Ellen laughed before responding. "Why yes it is. Everyone's kinda hungry from sitting around all day and I'm sure you're hungry from sleeping all day. Your stomach obviously agrees", she announced as she set the pizza on the table. "Eat up kids, feel like we'll all be around for a bit yet." My brothers dove for the pizza and breakfast and Ellen handed me a plate to eat some too.
"Hey Castiel. The television in your room sucks", Gabriel said with a mouthful of pizza.
"What am I supposed to do about it? And close your damn mouth or I'll have Nurse Mosley come back in."
"Oh god not that woman. She's freaking intimidating, ya know for a girl anyway", he said after swallowing his food. "And I only mention the tv cause we need entertainment. So I was thinking a good story could suffice and I know a story we're all dying to hear", he hinted before devouring more food.
"Way to be subtle Gabriel", Jo mocked as she patted Gabriel on the back. He rolled his eyes and flicked some crumbs towards her.
"Seriously though", Micheal said, reeling me back in. "What happened? Ellen said you left her diner fine and then Jo is finding you in the side of the road getting your ass kicked."
"Fuck you", I told him.
"I don't mean it like that", Micheal exclaimed. "I didn't!"
"What Micheal is trying to say is how did you get from point A to pint B", Lucifer chimed in while Micheal started babbling. I rolled my eyes before telling them all what I knew, which wasn't much. I don't even know when the prick started following me, so all I could really tell them were details of the fight. They all looked like they had millions of things to say but the nurse walked in at that moment.
"Sorry folks but visiting hours are up. Unless you plan on sleeping here I suggest you get home. You can all come back for his release tomorrow", she announced before leaving.
"What would she say if we all spent the night", Gabriel questioned.
"I guess we'll find out", Jo shrugged.
"I wasn't built for a damn hospital couch. Plus I need to be up and at em early tomorrow for the diner. You get to feeling better hun and I'll give you a call tomorrow", Ellen stated. She came over to the bed and kissed my forehead before leaving the room. "Joanna Beth you have school tomorrow morning, I suggest you get moving too." With that she left the room and left Jo behind who wasn't very happy.
"I'll stop by tomorrow so we can talk", she promised me before running after her mom. We all shouted a goodbye before they started setting up to sleep. Luckily the couch was a pull out so Lucifer and Micheal could both sleep on it. Gabriel, being the oddball he is said the floor was comfy enough for him. He took a blanket and pillow from my bed before laying down on the floor by the bed. I rolled my eyes and leaned my head back down some, trying to lay a bit more flat but still wanting to breath fine.
"Thanks for being here guys", I yawned as they finished setting up the couch.
"Always bro, always", Lucifer reassured me before turning out the lights and crawling into his side of the couch. The tv was on in the background, plying a random movie and I soon fell back asleep to the sound of the monitors beeping, trying to forget some of the mess that Alastair had brought me.

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