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"Castiel James Novak drop the damn subject. I am throwing you a birthday party whether you like it or not so get over it", Jo demanded in a frustrated tone as we walked into auto mechanics the Monday after break. I rolled my eyes and sighed in annoyance.

"Jo I'm turning eighteen. Too old for parties don't ya think", I asked. She swatted me on the arm and I made a mock hurt face.

"You're never too old to drink and have a good time", she informed me. All of a sudden I was spun around and arms were wrapped around my neck. My eyes widened in surprise and I grimaced in disgust once I saw who it was.

"Well you know Clarence, I could come over and make it a lot easier for you", Meg purred before leaning in close. I swallowed the throw up that was building up in my mouth before talking.

"You know that would make it a lot worse. Now get the fuck off cause I don't swing that way and frankly I think I'm about to be sick", I told her straight up. I shoved her off and her jaw dropped before giving me a furious look. Everyone in the room had stopped moving and no one dared speak. It was silent for a few moments before a deep laugh echoed throughout the room. I looked over to see it was Crowley who had laughed and he clapped his hands together a few times as if to applaud me for essentially trying to tell her to fuck off. He saluted me and a grin slowly cracked across my face, and I walked to work on my car while Meg was dumb struck and stuttering behind me.

I looked over and saw that Dean too was trying to mask a smile and Jo started to follow me, laughing to herself. We worked on our cars for the rest of the time and had no dramatic scenes, although Meg did keep glaring at me from across the room. I grit my teeth to keep from flipping her off, but other than that the class went on with no disturbances. "I'm still throwing you a party and hey bright side, now little miss bitch won't even think of coming up to you to give you a "birthday gift" tomorrow", she said with a wink. I grinned at her and gave up on arguing with her. If she wanted to throw a party, by damn she was going to do it.

"Fine but please only our friend group and my brothers. You know I hate birthdays", I pointed out. She shrugged and waved it off, making me groan. Class was coming to its end, with less than a minute left. That's when Crowley approached me.

"Hey mate", he greeted. "Way to come out, but word of advise? Watch out. You awoke a beast that is going to send hell fire after you and that is one attack I can't deter." I raised my eyebrows slightly in confusion. Was there other attacks he had been deterring? Before I could ask any questions, the bell rang and he was gone. Jo, who had heard the whole conversation, gave me and odd look that I then returned. That was kind of weird but oh well. A warning is a warning, even if a little bizarre. We went back to the main building to grab our bags before walking back to my place together. Micheal and Lucifer had there last night with me tomorrow before they went back to college and since Jo was practically like a little sister, they insisted we all hang out before they left.

When we got to my place, there were numerous pizzas out on the counter followed by a counter full of different candies ranging from sweet to sour to chocolate to hard candies. They had even bought cotton candy and there were a crap ton of toppings sitting out that I could only assume were for ice cream that was no doubt shoved into the freezer. "Did you guys let Gabriel go shopping or something", I asked as Jo and I entered the kitchen. "It's like diabetes in here." Luc laughed and Micheal pouted.

"I picked the stuff out thank you very much. Lucifer and I starve at college so we gotta eat a shit ton before Wednesday and why not do it with company", Micheal explained. "Plus Gabriel is at work for a few hours yet so who else was going to?" I shook my head and grabbed a slice of pizza before returning to the living room. While we waited for Gabriel to come home, I worked on homework while Jo complained about hers. Lucifer and Micheal were currently picking out the movies we would watch tonight and Jo occasionally threw in her opinion.

"Is your mom coming home for your birthday tomorrow", Jo asked randomly. I shrugged and shook my head.

"I don't think so. I mean none of us have heard from her so we don't really know but I doubt it. If she isn't back by now it'll probably be awhile before she returns." I don't really know what happened to mom. She sent us all a test late Thanksgiving night telling us happy thanksgiving, but we haven't heard anything since. I figure dad is just really stressed and she wants to be around him or something but I don't know. She'll come back eventually though and there is no use in worrying. Dad has never acted out on her, no matter how different he ever got so we knew she was safe at least.

Lucifer started some mystery/action movie that I didn't know the name of, and they watched while we waited for Gabriel to return. I finished most of the weeks homework when Gabriel burst through the door, wet and slightly coated in flour. Jo went to crack a joke but he shot it down. "Don't even. Just shut up and I'll be back." With that he was gone upstairs and I chuckled under my breath. Someone had a bad day at work. He came back down a few minutes later in new clothes and slightly less wet. He entered the kitchen and came back with a giant plate of food, bringing a smile to his face. I scoffed at his mood swing and he chucked a skittle at me, which I luckily caught in my mouth.

"Ten bucks says you can never do that again", Lucifer commented with a laugh. That's what started the madness. We all took turns trying to catch candy in our mouth and by the time we got tired of it, a few hours had passed and the living room was a mess of missed candies. The rest of the night was simple, with movie watching and feeding our faces. We played a few games like Twister and Clue and card games. I got extremely tired around ten and called it a night, leaving them to be loud and obnoxious without me. Jo no doubt was spending the night, which was fine. I went upstairs and showered before retreating to my bedroom and to my bed that had been calling my name.

I crawled in to bed and would've fallen asleep instantly had my phone not vibrated on my nightstand. I fumbled until my hand got out from under the covers and reached for my phone, dropping it on the floor first naturally. I groaned in annoyance but it immediately faded as I saw who the text had come from.

So your friends and brothers can celebrate your birthday but not your boyfriend? Seems kind of unfair :(

I rolled my eyes at Dean's text but grinned all the same before replying. Yep life sucks that way ;)

I call bullshit. We are going to do something and you'll love it

God please no

Shut up it'll be fine. I already have a plan so we're doing it. Just trust me on this, and no I'm not giving you details so don't ask. I groaned from the thought of having to do anything and then it made it worse that I didn't know what or even when for that matter. First Jo and now Dean. One of them was going to kill me somehow, I just know it.

Whatever, I guess I'll allow it for you. Goodnight Dean

Night Cas

With that I put my phone back down on the nightstand and rolled over in my bed, letting sleep take over me so I wouldn't have to fear the birthday plans my best friend and boyfriend were setting up for me.

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