New Homes

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I woke up late the next morning to the sound of Jess's blow dryer. When I checked my phone, I saw it was almost ten. I also realized I was alone in Dean's bed and that he must have gone out into the living room. With a sigh and light grumbling I rolled out of the bed and wandered out to find Dean. I found him and Sam in the kitchen cooking a very large breakfast which would be more of a brunch than anything. Dean was working on pancakes and waffles while Sam struggled with eggs,bacon, and sausage. At the sound of my approach, Sam got overly excited. "Thank god you're awake dude. I can't cook and this is pissing me off especially when grease flies", he complained. Dean chuckled and I grinned before telling Sam he was relieved and good to go.
I added more bacon to the pan to start cooking and jumped when Dean hit my ass with the dish towel. I glowered over at him at which he couldn't help but grin. "Sorry. I couldn't resist", he grinned sarcastically. I huffed but leaned forward to allow him to kiss me. We moved about the kitchen to make plates with the food that was finished, but we both stopped and whirled around a few minutes later when we heard the snap of a phone. Jess was standing there grinning and shrugging.
"Sorry, hand slipped", she said with a wink before leaving. Dean shook his head and grumbled something about Jess and her damn picture taking while I made a mental note to have her text them to me later. When breakfast was done, we all sat in front of the television to begin the movie marathon of the day. Dean ended up inviting Jo over as she kept trying to get me to go to her place. Of course she then brought movies of her own as well as hot chocolate and she forced Dean to make popcorn, even though we had all just eaten a little while before. During a movie break to change the disc and insert a new movie, Jo turned to discuss things with me.
"Okay so I hope you bought all of our oh so many friends gifts because we're having a friend Christmas tomorrow. It's at Crowley's place since his parents are never home and we are all spending the night. Then the day after we're going to the hills to go sledding and snowboarding. Oh and Gabe is coming too so he can force you to come",she rushed. I leaned back and closed my eyes at the amount of information she gave out in under five seconds.
"Okay one headache", I told her as I rubbed my head. She rolled her eyes and shoved me before letting me continue. "Secondly, yes I bought everyone gifts. You know, except for you cause I hate you. Third, sledding? Really? I mean isn't that kind of like a two year old thing?" Dean happened to walk in the room at this point and he slapped the back of my head, making me yelp. He grinned and my glare before apologizing.
"Sorry babe but it was necessary", he explained. He kissed the back of my head before pulling me into his lap once again. "You are never too old to go sledding and I'm honestly tempted to join your little party."
"Of course you say that", I grumbled. "You're a three year old at heart so sledding is probably one of your favorite things."
"No", he whispered in my ear, "you're my favorite thing." He wrapped his arm tighter around my waist and I blushed slightly from his comment. Jo made a fake gagging noise, at which Dean kicked her lightly. Jo brought some cheesy romance film that her and Jess loved, Jo swearing it was the only romance movie she could stand. Us guys didn't believe her but we relented as long as we could watch something they would hate. What that was we didn't know at the time, but we would find out eventually.
We went through movie after movie and it snowed the whole time we did. It was around seven that we had all polished off a few pizzas when My phone vibrated violently in my pocket. I left to go to the kitchen so as not to interrupt the movie before answering it. "Hey Castiel", Gabriel said as I picked up. "Micheal and Lucifer are gonna go back to college for a few days and then come back home for another few before school starts again. We need you to come over to the place pronto for one last haza and plus you still haven't checked it out." I bit my lip and nodded even though he couldn't see my and I looked back in the living room to where they were all still intently watching the movie.
"Okay. I'll be there in a half an hour or so. Shoot me the ad-", I started but Gabe cut me off.
"Don't worry about it just get ready. Micheal is already on his way to you and will be there soon. Bye little brother", he chirped before hanging up. I chuckled lightly under my breath before heading to Dean's room to grab some stuff before Micheal showed up. I was folding some clean clothes and piling them into my bag when I heard the door close behind me.
"Where you think you're going", Dean teased as he wrapped his arms around my waist.
        "Micheal and Lucifer are going back to college for a few days so they want to hang out. Plus Gabriel is butt hurt that I haven't checked out his new place", I told him. He nodded in understanding although he did look slightly upset.
        "Okay", he said finally. "As long as I get you back." I turned around to kiss him hungrily, his grip automatically tightening on my waist. He bit my bottom lip slightly and I groaned. He puked away far quicker than I liked but he seemed to be known for that. "On second thought, they'll have to leave without seeing you." I grinned and pushed him back before throwing a few final things in my bag. He took my hand and we walked back into the living room, where I had to explain of my leaving as the sight of my bag was odd to them. Sam and Jess were cool with t but Jo, of course, threw a fit.
        "What about group Christmas tomorrow", she demanded.
        "Chill Harvelle", I warned. "Don't worry I'll still beat all of you to Crowley's anyhow." At that there was the sound of a horn honking and I said my goodbyes. Once I was in the car, Micheal pulled me into a hug and ruffled my hair at which I growled at him. He laughed and turned up a Beatles album he had playing in the car before speeding away. It didn't take too long to get to Gabe's new place and for being in a big run-down apartment building it wasn't too shabby. We walked in the lobby and rooms stairs up the third floor. We entered the hallway and Gabe's was the first apartment on the right.
        "Got the baby bro", Micheal called out. "Can we party yet?"
        "Fuck no", Gabriel shouted as he walked in the room. "First, tour. Then party." Gabriel showed me around the place and it was more spacious than I expected. There was a decent size bathroom, two medium sized bedrooms, a small kitchen, and a living room. He had furnished the place already and for Gabriel's lack of sense in every category I was thoroughly impressed. "Who would've thought I could've ended up so well right", Gabriel joked. Lucifer snaked him upside the head with a devilish grin. Micheal was whining on the gray couch and Gabriel relented. "Alright calm down you baby. We are done. Now, who's up for sweets and beer?" Micheal shouted something incoherently and we took it as a yes. Gabriel brought out all sorts of cookies, doughnuts, cupcakes, cake pops, and a few pastry things I'd never seen before.
       We washed them down with a few beers and decided to go somewhere. A few towns over there was a big place sort of like an arcade, but in the lower level there was a hangout for kids in their late teens. They had air hockey, pool, ping pong tables, shuffleboard, darts, and various other games that we couldn't really experience anywhere else. That was exactly where we decided to go. It took about an hour or so to get there but it was well worth it. The nice thing about the place was that it didn't card you for beer, unless you looked like a twelve year old. The harder stuff they did card but beer wasn't and that was fine with us.
        Once we were inside, we headed straight to the basement and claimed a pool table. Micheal went to get drink while Lucifer and I set up. We were going to do teams, Lucifer obviously going to be on mine. We played several games and drank several beers. People came and went but I couldn't even say if I recognized them because all that could be focused on was the good times with my brothers. There were heaters cranked up all over the place but everyone once in awhile I would get a chill because this basement was never really well wired. Even that didn't bother me though and Lucifer and I won three out of the five games we played. A group of guys showed up wanting to play so we broke off to ping pong, switching teams to younger brothers verses the older. Gabriel and I crushed them to where it wasn't even fun anymore, at least not for them. Gabriel was laughing and chugging beers as he sang about his victory. We joined a game of four corners and a intense game of Nine High.
        We stayed playing games like eight year olds late into the night and we enjoyed ourselves too much to get tired. The arcade above us had long since closed but the basement normally stayed open until three. We stayed and drank and played until closing time. We watched people fade out and eventually we were told to wrap up the game and leave. We abandoned our halfway through air hockey tourney and left to cut the guy a break and headed for home. Lucifer drank the least so he drove us home but even that was scary and quite a huge risk. There were several times where I feared my life and that car ride was actually quite silent as no one wanted to scare Lucifer into killing us. It made me realize we should start getting taxis or a DD or something for times like these.
        We eventually made it home although it did take about a half hour longer than it did on the way there. I'm the apartment we ate more cookies or at least I did. Gabriel threw on a marvel movie and we wound up watching several of those, even though I fell asleep halfway through the second movie. That movie turned out to be the worst Spider-Man movie there was but oh well. With my head buzzing and stomach full in sweets and my brothers laughter around me, I fell asleep on the floor. I felt content and was missing game nights like these with my brothers and decided that I liked this new home.

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