Happy Birthday To Me

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"HAPPY BIRTHDAY", I heard shouted at me as my brothers and Jo jumped on me. I groaned and mumbled something about them buzzing off, but they wouldn't do that of course. They all started shaking me and singing happy birthday, and I couldn't help but grin. I finally sat up and let them pull me downstairs to where Gabriel had made a shit ton of pancakes. Of course there were toppings sitting out to like sliced bananas, peanut butter, chocolate chips, chocolate syrup, sprinkles, butter, whipped cream, and so much other stuff that I never would've dreamed could've been put on pancakes.

I had never been much for celebrating my birthday, mainly because many days I didn't even want to make it until the next one. Of course, I had a bad experience on my birthday a year or so ago thanks to my father, but I had to admit that being awaken to this was actually kind of nice. We dug into the pancakes, each of us grabbing at least five or so and scarfing them down. They were gone within in minutes and we all sat groaning from eating so fast, partially because they were just that good but also because some of us had work and school. Jo, Gabe, and I rushed upstairs to get ready for school although it was work for Gabe.

They had tried to let me sleep in since it was my birthday and all but they had to wake me before they left, seeing as how not everyone has a free fifty minutes every morning now. I got ready quickly though to hang out with Jo some, seeing as we haven't been around each other too much lately what with me spending so much time with Dean. He has been trying to put more effort in at Bobby's, seeing as how he stopped for awhile once I got attacked. Basically when he wasn't working I was with him and due to that I had started to neglect Jo, and I am refusing to let that happen any more if I can help it.

Gabe dropped us off on his way to work and we hung out on our designated bench. "You feel any older", she asked. I shook my head because I did not, I never really did though. "You gotta feel different though right?" I grinned and nodded.

"Well yeah I feel different. It's not really against the law for me to be with Dean anymore so that's a positive. Turns out this birthday brought one good thing right? Even fi it means I have to suffer through a Jo party", I teased with a wink.

"Oh come on", she groaned as she rolled her eyes. "You love my parties! And this will be the best one yet. Although sadly Dean has to work so he can't come."

"Then how will this be the best party ever ?"

"Cause I'll be there", Balthazar joked as he approached. "Why else would it be good?"

"Because other people besides an arrogant Balthazar will be there", Charlie and Anna said in unison as they approached.

"Plus no Meg", Jo pointed out. I nodded and held in a groan. I was going to get so much shit for how I acted towards her the other day. I'll probably have to end up hiding during my free period if I didn't want to face Alastair and his buddies wrath. "Hey", Jo called, pulling me out of my thoughts. "Don't worry. Just enjoy today alright?" I nodded and smiled at her to assure her I'd be fine. Then my friends took turns giving me a hug and wishing me a happy birthday, Charlie licking the side of my face when she did so. I groaned in disgust and wiped at the side of my face.

"Really", I demanded. She laughed, winked, and gave me a small wave before leaving to go to her first period. Me, Jo, and Balthazar started walking together, seeing as how Jo's classroom was on Balthazar's way to class. As we walked, my phone buzzed and a grin crept across my face once I saw who it was.

Happy Birthday Cas, come to my class?

I replied saying I was on my way before pocketing my phone. Jo nudged me and wiggled her eyebrows and I shoved her. Balthazar laughed but he started teasing me too by whispering, "Someone's gonna get some." I punched his arm and shook my head, but to be honest his words made my stomach flip flop. With Dean around, this probably would be my best birthday. We dropped Jo off at then Balthazar and I headed across the school yard together. When it was time for us to part ways, he smirked at me.

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