Harder Than I Thought

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I woke up to the sound of my phone vibrating the nightstand, and quite violently at that. I reached out and grabbed it, seeing that it was only a little after eleven. The caller ID said it was Jo, "Fuckkkk", I groaned. My head obviously is not functioning right because I forgot to call her, even though five minutes before I fell asleep I had promised to notify her. I slide open the phone and tried my best to make it seem like everything was completely normal. "Hello", I mumbled in an extremely groggy voice.

"CASTIEL NOVAK WHERE ARE YOU", Jo yelled. I somehow managed to roll my eyes, even though they weren't even open fully yet. She sounded far too much like Gabriel and it was way too early, or I guess late, for that kind of attitude. "Your brother called me while I was work and I just now got a chance to look at my phone. Why doesn't he know where you are?"

"Dude give me time to answer your questions", I grumbled.

"Castiel this isn't funny", she shouted. I pulled the phone back away from my ear and grimaced at the far too loud voice that was hurting my eardrums.

"I never said it was! Look I'm fine. Gabriel got ahold of me and now everything is okay. I didn't get home right away and so he panicked, thinking I was with you. He worried when you didn't answer your phone and right after that he finally got ahold of me. It's all good now so I am sorry you worried. I was going to call you saying not to worry because everything was okay, but I fell asleep." I heard her muttering something under her breath, but for the life of me I could not make out what she said. I was too freaking tired for this crap. "Now that you know I'm okay, can I go back to sleep now? It's been a long day", I said with a yawn.

"Fine. I'm gonna let you sleep mainly because I want to go to sleep but tomorrow you are going to explain every single detail, even if I have to beat you to get it do you understand me?"

"Yes", I choked out. She replied good before hanging up and I started shaking badly. I know Jo was only kidding, but after today that threat just triggered me. First I get beat up, then I beat myself down, and then my best friend threatens to beat me. It was making out to be a freaking fantastic day. I tossed my phone back onto the nightstand and fell back to sleep not long after.

"Fucking little bitch", Alastair snarled at me. He and his friends started kicking me after they had thrown me onto the ground. "Just because you have money doesn't mean you get to be all high and mighty. You're just a worthless piece of shit that isn't even worthy of having a hole to die in!" Uriah sent a sharp kick to my back and I screamed in agony.

"Money doesn't get you everything Novak", Uriel growled. "The sooner you learn that, the better. Like now for instance, money isn't gonna save you from our feet." They continued kicking yet somehow I managed to pull myself away. I jumped off the ground and took off running as fast as I could, heading home. When I finally reached my door, I flung the door open and locked it behind me. The house was unusually quiet and completely still. You couldn't even hear a clock ticking it was so still, it was like there was no life in the house. That's how I knew, what allowed me to distinguish the source of the stillness.

"Gabe", I called out. There was no response. I set my bag down by the front door and wondered further into the house. "Gabriel", I shouted again. Suddenly I heard stomping, it was earth shaking compared to the quiet that was there only seconds before. I turned just to see my father tear into the room and he threw a punch across my face. I stumbled backwards but my father grabbed ahold of my shirt and held me in place, and he punched my face and stomach. I grunted with each and every blow and resisted the urge to cry.

"Dad don't", I begged. He had his fist raised and he froze. He titled his head, looking at me but not appearing to hear me. "Dad, it's me. Your son, Castiel. Dad please stop, this isn't you, please." For a moment it looked as if he was going to lower his fist and I relaxed for a very brief moment before he just threw his arm back further, so when he brought it forward it was even more powerful. That time I couldn't fight it and I let out a cry of pain. This seemed to enrage my father and he threw me to the ground before jumping on top of me. He banged my head back against the ground several times and sent a punch across my face.

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