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"I'm tired of cooking. That's it. I'm done. I give up", Micheal complained. He was working on something that I found quite simple and yet he was still struggling and growing more and frustrated as he did.

"Finish the devil eggs", Gabriel told him. "I'll switch you. I'll be eating more potato salad than devil eggs anyway." They switched places and went back to work. They were both slightly grouchy where as me and Lucifer, who had been up and hour and a half before them, were wide awake and in a good mood. I was currently working on the turkey and Lucifer was working with the noodles again as he seemed to like cooking them the other Dean when Dean came over. It was around eight o'clock now and I finally finished prepping the turkey, putting it in the oven to bake.

I was having my own Thanksgiving meal with my brothers for lunch and then going over to Dean's for Thanksgiving with Sam, Jess, Ellen, Jo, and even Bobby. I had mentioned to Dean that his family may not want an outsider joining them, but he insisted that everyone wanted me there and so I relented and promised to go. I was excited to go to Dean's because I had not seen him all week due to us spending time with our own families for the holidays. I love my brothers and all but at this point I needed a break from the chaos. Lucifer commented that if mom were hear she would kill us for our fighting in which I laughed and agreed. It was best that she was away with our father.

We missed the fact that mom was not here, but we all agreed that this might be our best Thanksgiving all because our father would not be around. I knew it this would be the best Thanksgiving though because my brothers and I just seemed to be closer than normal, even if most of us fought every five seconds. Also I had Dean and a good time with his family to look forward to. Something in me just told me that this would become my favorite holiday. That also may have something to do with the fact that Dean was preparing the majority of the meal for the dinner at his place, and I was excited to try more of his foods. When I went to his house, he usually always cooked but he tended to stick to non holiday foods. That was beyond fine too but I was curious as to how good his bacon wrapped turkey could possibly be.

My brothers and I had been rather lazy all week and I was glad that today we might actually get to do something. We laid around watching movies and playing video games, as well as a dangerous game of Monopoly, and lived off Totino's pizza. For the nest few days though we would be living off left overs because we were making far too much food for just the four of us, even with our appetites. That was more than okay with me though, Thanksgiving foods consisted of some of my favorites. We were having turkey, homemade noodles, potato salad, devil eggs, mashed potatoes and gravy, homemade rolls, green beans, corn, homemade stuffing, and Gabriel insisted on pumpkin pie as well as sugar cookies (pilgrim desserts according to him).

We worked sin silence for the most part but that was only because Gabriel had yet to wake up and start something. After several hours of cooking, we went into the living room to let everything cook while we watched more movies. Micheal and Gabriel had taken a break longer than Lucifer and I, so they were already on the couch watching Charlie Brown's Thanksgiving or something. "Hell no", Lucifer groaned. "There is no way we are watching this." Gabriel looked over and gaped at him.

"You shut your whore mouth! It's a classic and more importantly a tradition so sit down, shut up, and enjoy the show", he said with mock offense. Micheal rolled his eyes and I grinned before joining my brothers, all of us squeezing onto the couch for some unknown reason. "We need popcorn", Gabe said eventually.

"Dude are you kidding? There is a freaking feast in the kitchen. None of us need popcorn", I told him.

"That better not be your way of calling us fat", Micheal joked.

"If he wanted to call us fat, he'd say we're getting far too big to share this couch", Lucifer laughed. I nodded in approval of his words because he was right. Although, we were kind of too big to be on the couch but it was fine. I'd rather been crunched together because the cold weather outside was leaking through the house and our heater did not seem to be keeping up, so they were my only true source of warmth.

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