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        I woke up Monday morning with a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach. According to Crowley, things went swimmingly at his party but that doesn't mean shit for what to expect today. If anything there will probably be more looks from people and even more whispering. Hell it might even make some people act worse towards me, Alastair and Meg especially. My brothers, minus Gabe, left late last night for school and we had fun yesterday. However, all their wise words with how to deal with Meg and everyone else slipped from my head as I headed towards the school. The walk wasn't long but it did give me some time to think and mentally prepare for the day.
Whether I would have friends today or not I didn't know, so I'm just going to throw myself into my school work. Go back to being the obsessed school freak I used to be and used to get bullied for. Honestly I'd rather go back to getting beaten than this shit. Guess life sucks in the way where you can't make those choices. I got to school within about ten minutes to spare, seeing as how I was too wound up with nerves to sleep much. I walked to my first class, which is really period two for everyone else, and sat down, pulling out my things from my bag when I heard footsteps. I looked up to find Claire standing above me. "Is it true", she asked, hands on her hips.
"I'm afraid you'll have to be more specific. A lot has happened recently," I pointed out quietly. She slapped by desk before making me jump and lean back in my seat. She leaned forwards, hands still pressed tightly down on the desk.
"What the hell do you think Castiel", she questioned. "I mean is it true that you were raped?" I bit my lip and looked down at my things and fumbled around with them. She grabbed my wrists to get me to stop before repeating herself. "Is it true that you were raped? That the sex between you and Alastair was in no way consensual?"
"Well he definitely wanted it but I certainly didn't want any part of it. So yeah I was raped. Where did you here about that?" I knew the answer obviously but to help Crowley and my brothers scheme I might as well act clueless. It would help me out more anyway.
"Oh my god", she said quietly before backing away. "Oh my god. It's true, of course it's true. Alastair being a fucking pig isn't a surprise but this....", she trailed off. "So it's true about those other girls too?" I shrugged.
"I have no idea what you're talking about Claire but if anyone were to rape a bunch of people it would be Alastair." She nodded and paced in front of my desk. I glanced at the clock, wondering how much of the ten minute passing period she would spend pacing.
"Why didn't you say anything? You know to me or Charlie in theater instead of taking shit and letting us ignore you? We could've done something or-".
"Done what? What could you have done, seriously? And why talk when no one believes you anyway. The whole school had me marked as a gay cheating pig as soon as they heard and one guy trying to say otherwise obviously wouldn't work." She opened her mouth to say more but people entered the room at that moment. She looked over her shoulder before turning back to me.
"We'll talk later. See ya around", she said hurriedly before leaving. I sighed. I guess being approached is progress yet still no one wants to be seen anywhere near me. It was going to turn out to be a long ass day.

Long ass day and long ass week apparently. The rumors, or more like the truth, from Crowley's party was accumulating trough the whole school and even close by colleges, including the one where my brothers went. Claire talked to me on and off during theater occasionally and I got Charlie to run lines twice this week. Jo still wouldn't talk to me and if I saw Anna or Dorthy they would give me small smiles before rushing away. It was a long and terrible week to be quite truthful but burying myself into school work and books seemed to help.
Gabriel got home earlier today, which means around 5:30 or so. "Hey baby bro", he called out as he entered the apartment.
"Hey", I called back. He dropped his stuff on the table before coming to join me in the kitchen where I was working on dinner. "Beef burrito skillet with Mexican rice", I said before he could question what I was making. I looked over my shoulder to see him nod in approval.
"That's different", he acknowledged. I nodded and resisted the urge to roll my eyes.
"Well when you have nothing to do but read and research all week you're bound to stumble upon some new recipes", I pointed out. He grimaced and looked over my direction after getting the plates out.
"So today wasn't any different than the rest of the week huh?" I shook my head and he sighed. "Well at least some progress was made. Baby steps. I'm sure all your friends will be back to loving you soon. Even crazy ass Jo", he assured.
"Yeah let's hope", I grumbled in response. Dinner was finished within a few minutes so we made our plates before settling down to watch movies. The plan was to spend all weekend like that, on the couch with movies and beer and for the rest of the time there would be take out instead of a homemade meals. Plans change though.
"Hey would it be okay if Balthazar came over Sunday", Gabe asked suddenly. I looked over and sighed.
"Okay. Where do I have to hide while he's here", I asked. Gabe groaned and rolled his eyes. "You don't have to hide. Things won't get better unless you're around them more and plus he knows you live here and he probably expects you here and yet he still said yes to coming over." I glared at him for the sass at the end and he grinned. "Seriously you don't have to hide. Please?" I nodded in agreement and he let out a cheer before returning his attention to the movie. I've been meaning to get out some anyway so might as well go Sunday. Get some fresh air and not be around Balthazar at all. It's bad enough to get stares and whispers and pity and hate during the week. I don't want it on the weekends too.
Friday evening and Saturday passed rather quickly, meaning Sunday came too quickly. "Seriously dude you don't have to leave", Gabriel yelled from his room. I turned the tv off with a sigh.
"Yeah right. It'll be better for everyone if I'm not here. Plus I need out, we need groceries, and I don't want to sit here and listen to you two be disgusting." There was faint laughter from that and a few moments later it was followed by a knock on the door. Gabriel didn't come out from his room after a second knock so I took it as my cue to answer the door. Balthazar looked up and his grin faltered.
"Hey Castiel. Is Gabriel here", he asked. I nodded and stepped aside to let him in.
"Gabe anything special you need or want from the store", I called out. Gabriel entered the room a moment later with a far too mischievous grin on his face.
"Nah I'm good. If I change my mind, I'll text you. Have fun and be safe okay?"
"I try", I mumbled. Just doesn't always work out. He must've read my mind because he punched my shoulder before shoving me towards the door and heading towards Balthazar. From there I left quite quickly because I wanted to be no where near those two while they were getting alone time. God knows what horrors you might see or hear. The drive to the store was quick and quiet and it was even more quiet inside the store. I grabbed a cart and started walking up and down the isles, grabbing what we needed as I went. I continued doing so until my cart rammed into another one.

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