Family Time

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"Holy shit Castiel", Jo screamed. She jumped off her seat and met me in front of the table. "You said everything was okay! This clearly isn't okay! What the hell happened to you?" I rolled my eyes at her and that just made things worse. She got a furious look on her face and I bit back a sarcastic comment.

"Why do you never give me time to answer your questions", I demanded. I moved to sit down in my normal spot and she plopped down next to me. She was glaring at me, waiting for an explanation I really did not want to give. "Look yesterday I was leaving school and Alastair and his gang caught up with me. They beat me up and tried to drown me in the pool. It's fine though because a teacher caught them, do not ask who because I do not know", I lied. "I got out of the pool and I was really upset and sore but I did not want to go face my family and their questioning so I walked around for awhile. I had my phone in my bag so I did not get Gabriel's first few calls. I finally checked my phone right as it rang. I cleared things up with Gabriel and I eventually went home."

She sat there in silence evaluating what to say next. That's when I realized the rest of the group was just sitting there, watching our interaction. Balthazar looked like he was going to murder someone, probably Alastair. Anna and Charlie just looked really worried, but they were all silent. Finally Jo sighed in defeat. "Okay I believe you. Why didn't you call me though? Or any of us for that matter? We could've come got you or got you help. No offense but you need it. You look like shit." I gave her a sarcastic grin as a way of saying thanks.

"I'm going to fucking kill him", Balthazar growled suddenly, scaring all of us. I was about to tell him not to but he held up his hand to stop me. "No, don't Castiel. Just don't. It's bad enough he was being extremely creepy towards you in our cooking class. But to actually attack you and then try to kill you by drowning you? That's not acceptable! Do you know what he said to Meg today in class? He said you would be more understanding towards her from now on. She ended up hugging him and the look of happiness on his face was disgusting. Now knowing he beat you up and probably just to get some from Meg? No. Not happening."

"Dude it's fine-", I started before he interrupted.

"I'm not done. I heard him talking to Gordon about you at the end of class. Saying how they could probably get Zachariah the night of his life if they wanted to. You need to go tell teachers about this, like a lot of them. If not, it's just gonna end up even worse for you." He slumped back in his chair, signaling that was the end of his rant.

"You should probably go to the nurse too Castiel", Anna pointed out, "Jo was right, you look messed up. If Alastair and his friends did all of that you need to get the nurse's help and probably tell the principal about it."

"Here's the thing guys", I said with a sigh. "I do not care about any of that. If he wants to come at me again, let him. If he did it just to get something from Meg, then that is fine. I do not care about him or anyone in that group and I do not want to have to be around them to turn them in. Karma will get them and I am just going to sit back and let karma do its job. I am going to drop it and move on and I am going to ask that you guys do the same." I looked around the group and they all gave each other a look. They continued looking at one another, and not me, until eventually they all shrugged or sighed.

"We won't say anything", Charlie started, "but if this ever happens again you call one of us. You don't have to deal with them on your own you know and we want to help you. That way you aren't wondering the streets broken and cold." I nodded and promised I'd let them know if I would need there help. From there they tried to move on and make it like a normal lunch for my sake, but I knew they would all have their own private conversation about the matter when I was not around.

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