Success...Or Not

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        "Ash would you finish up the damn burgers already? After those you can get the hell out, but not a minute sooner", I heard shouted as I stepped through the doors. Ellen had called over her shoulder as she exited the kitchen and went to give some beers to a far back table. I grinned to myself and headed toward the back to talk to Ash through the window. Burgers needing made be damned.
        There was rock music playing throughout the joint and got louder as I approached the window. Ash was mumbling stuff to himself like always and he didn't seem to have heard me come up. I cleared my throat to get his attention and he threw his hands up. "God damn woman! I'm working on the damn things give a guy some time why don't ya", he exclaimed as he whirled around. He had his mouth open to say more but nothing came out once he saw who exactly had made the noise. It was silent for a moment before he regained his voice. "Well I be damned. It's good to see you back kid", he grinned. He held out his hand and I gladly shook it, missing Ash's attitude.
        "Hey Ash how's it going", I asked without really needing an answer.
        "Great besides that vile woman always overworking me", he said a bit louder, probably hoping Ellen would hear.
        "Watch what you say man, she'll come after you with a knife and you won't even know it's coming."
        "Aw nah, she can't do that. Not with the ninja skills I got man. Sense that shit miles away." I couldn't help but laugh at that, possibly even a bit too loud. "Where you been though? Thought we might never see you again." My grin faltered at that but I quickly recovered, trying to not like things get awkward like they are with everyone else.
        "Around", I responded. "Just been busy."
        "Yeah I know what you mean. Avoiding Jo is like trying to hide from your shadow. Damn thing always sneaks up on ya." I grinned regardless of him knowing why I wasn't around. What I always liked about Ash was nothing ever fazed him or got passed him. In some ways, he really was ninja like.
        "Yeah well with what happened I knew my face would be the last she'd want to see."
        "Hey man girls are gonna believe what they want. But Jo isn't most girls, obviously. She's more of a handful than most which is hard to do", he muttered the last part to himself as he turned back to the food. He continued to work but talked over his shoulder to me. "She'll come around. I've been to a few parties myself lately, no high school ones obviously but I still have some buddies in college. The ones who wanted degrees to hang up and what not. I know what they're saying but come on man. It ain't you and it's clear to see. Only you and that other kid do. Tell the truth to whoever you want, but keep lies to yourself and not in the school hallway."
        "Ash I think that's as deep as you've ever gotten with me", I joked. He turned back to grin at me and shrugged. "I can get serious when need be. Now go on before I get yelled at. I think Ellen's been expecting you for awhile now anyways." I nodded and said goodbye before returning to the front to find only two customers left. The ones Ellen had taken beers to. As I rounded the counter, Ellen was at the cash register and quickly spotted me.
        "I knew you'd come boy", she grinned before coming around the counter to give me a hug. I quickly hugged her back and a little hard but so be it. Ellen's been more of a mother to me than anyone and lately all I've needed was a mom.
        "I missed you too Ellen", I laughed. She laughed as well and pulled away before going back behind the counter.
        "Well don't just stand there Castiel! Sit down, sit down. Hey Ash I'm gonna need-", Ellen started. He came out the door with a plate and handed it to her.
        "Fries and a shake for the long lost kid. I know woman. I ain't clueless", he stated with a wink before disappearing again. I shook my head and grinned yet again. It was different to be smiling so much, but I wasn't going to complain.
        "I swear if he weren't a good cook he'd be long gone", Ellen commented.
        "No he wouldn't", I said. She nodded and laughed again.
        "You're right. I wouldn't but hey don't tell him that." It was quiet for a second and we watched as Ash went to give the two guys their food. He saluted us before going back into the kitchen and Ellen rolled her eyes. "So tell me Castiel", she said after a moment. "What finally brought you back?" I shrugged and played with my straw before responding.
        "I thought about what you said last week. About how I was always welcome, regardless. You've been a mom to me my whole life and so I finally grew a pair and decided to tell you my side of the story. See what you make of it. Maybe you can help me figure out what to do next. If you want me around that is."
        "Hun of course I want you around! I'm just sorry it took you so damn long. You know you're like a brother to Jo and like my own boy. You told me everything all the time, why stop right?" I nodded and smiled to myself. It wasn't like Ellen or myself to get super emotional or mention feelings of family but the fact we could even if we don't like to helps me to be able to tell her everything. I took a deep breath and spilled everything to her. Hell I even mentioned the party at Crowley's and the plan we made to get the truth out there, knowing no one would believe it as true unless it came out quick and came out big.
        She nodded through it all and kept quiet. She tried to keep a straight face although there were times when I could see she wanted to flinch or cringe. By the time I was done, I was out of breath and desperately needed more shake for my throat. Trying to keep calm through it all brought real pain to my throat. "Well", Ellen said once I was done. I frowned and looked at her, waiting for more than that.
"That sounds like getting hit with a brick covered in shit", Ash noted as he came through the door. "Oh and I listened through the door by the way. If you need more food, don't. I'm leaving for the night."
"Yeah alright. Thanks Ash, goodnight", Ellen called to him as he walked to the door.
"Later Ash", I shouted with a small wave.
"See ya, oh and welcome back." He waved a final farewell before walking out to his car.
"He's not wrong", Ellen's said and it drew my attention back to her. "That ain't easy son. I mean I wouldn't phrase it the way Ash did but it's definitely just as terrible. I mean to have that happen, lose everything, and be alone through most of it all? That's awful. You shouldn't have had to have lived that Castiel. You really shouldn't have." I looked down at my fries, willing myself not to cry. "I'll be right back", Ellen said with a slight voice crack before going to the back. I felt a tear slid down my face just as there was a terrible noise. A chair was scrapped roughly against the floor while getting pushed back and I heard one of the guys stomping out and slamming the door.
Ellen came back from the noise and wiped at her eyes before coming over to me. She gave me another hug, although I could tell something was off. "I'm sorry Castiel. And I'm sorry my daughter is being the stubborn brat we know and love. I know you could've used a friend like her during all this." She back away and sat on the stool next to me for a moment. "I'm making another shake, and by shake I mean alcohol concoction but now we'll be needing two. One for each of us. I'll be just a second, I need to grab them." She hurried off through the swinging double doors again and I felt my shoulders drop just from exhaustion.
There was suddenly movement beside me and I turned my head to see Bobby sitting there. My stomach tanked as I realized it was probably Dean who stormed out. How much did he and Bobby hear from where they were? I groaned internally and felt a pat on my back. I lifted my head to look at Bobby and saw him taking a swig of beer. "Listen kid. Not that I eased dropped, even though I kinda did, but I heard some of what you said. I now the gist of things now, and that makes two of us really. Dean liked you, really did. I know you liked him too but believe me he is just as hurt."
Ellen came out and did a double take but grinned at Bobby. "Welcome to the party old man." She slid my drink to me and got some bourbon for Bobby before drinking some herself. I cringed slightly at the drink cause damn was it strong. By the second swig it was better and I got used to the taste. We all sat and drank for a moment before I decided to comment on Bobby's previous words.
"I know he's hurt", I acknowledged quietly. "I never meant to but I know he is. Hell, he has every right to be. He didn't deserve any of this." With that I chugged the rest of my drink and ignored the burning sensation that came with it.
"You didn't either boy", Bobby said ruffly. He sighed and drank some more before continuing. "Look, I know it ain't gonna be the easiest damn thing in the world, but you and Dean really need to talk. He's being a wuss and I know you haven't made a damn move either. You idjits need to establish some solid ground and stop acting like hurt teenage girls, even f that's what you are."
"Bobby's right. You wanted my opinion? I think you need to talk to Jo. Help her see your side. She's been filling me in at home and she's in a whirlwind. Doesn't know what to think but I think if you, her best friend and basically brother, were to share your side there would be less madness. Then once you and Jo get back into swing, go talk to Dean. Take a baby step with Jo so you're ready for the leap it'll take to talk to Dean. He deserves to hear it come from you, and not just overhear you and someone else or from the gossip in the halls."
"It sounds like you and that idjit, plus everyone in your school are being too complicated about the whole damn matter. So narrow down the crazy a bit huh?" Bobby dropped some bills on the table, ignoring Ellen's protests. "I like you boy, and I liked you with Dean. So fix his puppy dog eyes for me will ya? Have a good one, and Ellen I'll see you Tuesday." He nodded a goodbye and left, leaving Ellen and I.
"Bet you weren't expecting me and an old grouches opinion tonight were you", Ellen questioned. I grinned slightly but shook my head.
"Definitely not but I'm glad I did. It was really beneficial, if not the slightest bit awkward", I pointed out. She chuckled and ruffled my hair before cleaning up some messes. I helped her clean Dean and Bobby's table as well as the bar before going to the back. I did the dishes while she went out and swept the main room. I turned the music off as well as the kitchen lights before heading back out to Ellen. We wrapped everything up and grabbed our things before stepping outside. "Thank you Ellen, for everything", I thanked as she locked the doors.
"Anytime Castiel. Like I said, you're my boy and I take care of my own. You're always welcome and if you hurry to make up with Jo then it won't be as serious and solemn as tonight was." I nodded and grinned again. She gave me another hug and said goodbye before heading to her car. "Oh and hun? I'll try and talk to Jo some tomorrow, try and help ease her mind some so you guys can talk Monday."
I yelled out a thank you before starting the walk towards me and Gabe's apartment. Talking to Ellen took more time than I realized and it was about 12:30 ish. I put in an earbud to listen to music on the walk home, humming to some Nirvana song that Jo and I used to play over and over again. I was about five minutes from the apartment when I realized there were footsteps behind me. I clicked pause of my headphones and listened closer, hoping to just be imagining things. Unfortunately I wasn't, and there was definitely someone following me. I fastened my pace, only to hear the footsteps behind me quicken too. They quickened so much and got louder and I realized they were running. I started to run as well, but only got about ten feet before being tackled.
I rolled onto my back and shoved the attacker away, not knowing who it was until I heard his chilling laugh. "You act like you're not happy to see me baby", Alastair sneered. I fought the nausea aside and kneed him in the gut before trying to get away. "Stop running from me", Alastair shouted as he grabbed my jacket to turn me around. He threw a punch and the intensity threw me off for a second, and that's all it took. He got me on the ground and repeatedly started punching me, in the face, in the stomach, anywhere within reach. A punch later to my nose created a crack and I let out a slight scream.
Fury built in me and I threw a weak punch of my own, making him laugh. I brought my knee up and thankfully had encore force to hurt his nether region. "You fucking prick", he groaned. I quickly stood up, which was a bad idea considering how bad my head was pounding. It took all my strength not to drop then and there. Alastair got up faster than I anticipated and I got in a fighting stance, causing him to laugh again. "Really Castiel? Would've thought you were smarter than that, especially after all the shit you caused."
"I didn't do anything", I growled. "You are the sadistic pig who goes around raping people and beating them up. Anything you got in trouble for is all on you." At this he lunged and I threw a punch to his face, hitting his nose and causing blood to spray out. He growled before lunging again and this time my punch wasn't enough. I went down and caught myself slightly, which seriously hurt my wrist. He grabbed my fighting arm and twisted it behind my back and I let out a blood curtailing scream as it popped. Lights shined on the roads and there was the sound of tires screeching to a halt a ways down.
"Wanna rethink those words Novak", he shouted in my ear. I groaned and he twisted my arm farther.
"Fuck you", I screamed. I quickly flipped over, causing him to land on his back. I got on top of him and started throwing punches of mine own, although by that point they were weak. "I lost everything because of you! I lost my friends", I said before throwing punch, "my family", another one, "my grades", punch, "and my boyfriend", another punch. "I lost it all because of you. So fuck you."
"Wouldn't you like to", he snarled. His arm got free and he punched me again and I flew back cause fuck my nose hurt. He towered over me and repeatedly kicked me over and over again. I started coughing up blood and curled onto my side, not having any energy to fight him anymore. Suddenly Alastair was gone and there was the sound of breath being taken away. I crawled further away and coughed up blood as I did, eventually stoping form being too tired.
There were sounds of fighting in the background and I felt someone turning me over. "No", I tried to protest.
"Hush I'm not going to hurt you", a voice said. I opened my eyes as wide as possible and saw Jo kneeling over me. I groaned and coughed before choking on blood. I heard Jo yelling but it was all just background noise as I slowly drifted into unconsciousness.

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