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"So how does it feel to be able to just wear a brace", Jo asked as we walked to auto mechanics. It was a surprisingly sunny day in mid to late April and the cast was finally removed, although I had to where a brace until graduation day basically.
"Well the brace is definitely less itchy but still sucks ass", I replied. Today was another inspection day, the second to last one we would ever have so the room was pretty chaotic when we walked in. Crowley seemed chill but when we called out to him he didn't respond, too lost in his book on how to finish fixing his car. I rolled my eyes and headed over to my own car that had gotten a lot better. I had caught up and gone farther than most in the last week and even got as far along as Jo. I could probably even pass her up at this point.
"Well I'm gonna take that to mean you have no pain and can most definitely party this weekend", Jo implied.
"Sure", I said with a shrug. She looked over in surprise and almost did a double take.
"Really? I kinda thought I'd have to fight you on it. Even get Crowley to help me out."
"No. I mean I know the party is at Crowley's house cause Balthazar and Gabe were talking about it and it's just people I like and trust. Plus Gabriel. We're good. I'll be there", I assured her. She grinned and clapped her hands together.
"Yay", she cheered. "Now I have to figure out a way to steal you from", she started.
"No", Dean's gruff voice said from behind us. Jo rolled her eyes and I grinned back at him, knowing they'd have to duke it out. "You got him the first three days this week and you're taking him again every day next week minus Tuesday and Sunday. I want him." I shook my head at their bickering, mainly because it was so quiet it was hard to tell there was a problem.
"How about after school until seven I'm with Dean and I get to Crowley's at eight", I suggested in a whisper. Jo seemed fine with it but Dean looked like he was still debating. "We'll talk after class", I sighed before turning around. I loved them both but in the past month they'd been fighting over the time I spent with them and sometimes it drove me crazy. Dean nodded in agreement before moving off to stand over other people's shoulders.
"You're going right", Jo asked after Dean was out of ear shot. I nodded and she returned to her normally cheerful self. The rest of class passed by quickly and soon I was walking behind the curtains to where Dean was attending Baby.
"Need something", Dean asked from under the car.
"Gosh I don't know Dean my car is being all difficult and the bolt turner thing just won't work", I said as if impersonating Meg. He rolled out from under the car and grinned at me.
"Class over?" I nodded and he instantly sprang to his feet. "Good", he stated before pushing me against the Impala and kissing me roughly. I grinned against him and pushed him back so we could talk and not risk getting caught. Gordon planned on staying to touch up his car tonight I had thought. "Please tell me you aren't going", he begged.
"I think I am but if I do I have a proposal for you", I said. He raised his brow as if to question what and I smiled, thankful for him to at least hear me out. "I go on Friday but I spend the whole week of graduation with you", I proposed. He sighed before nodding.
"You can go and you can bet you're ass we're spending more time together but Jo is gonna steal you on graduation week plenty to make sure you meet her standards. I just don't want to be without you", he admitted as he rested his forehead against mine. He wasn't wrong about Jo but who knows how often I'd see her or the rest of them after college.
"Didn't you tell me we had all the time in the world", I questioned. He grinned and nodded before kissing me again quickly.
"We do but not tonight. You better go meet Jo outside or Ellen will have all of our asses for you being late."

        "Did I die", Jo asked tiredly around 12:30 in the morning. I hit her with a towel to get her up and grinned at her groan.
        "Nope. We lived through another mad house. So let's clean and leave", I concluded.
"Yeah cause I don't know about you but I need sleep before that party tomorrow", Jo groaned as she went to wipe down tables and raise the chairs. I grabbed the broom and starting sweeping. Between the two of us, the process went fairly quickly and Ellen came to help too. By one we were done and I headed home to crash, worried about what tomorrow would bring.

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