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"Well", Jo practically squealed with excitement. It was Friday and we were walking out to Dean's class.

"I think I will be a lot happier once you guys stop asking", I said with a sigh. My friends seemed to think that I was immune to Dean Winchester just because I wasn't swooning over the guy. "Look he's some what attractive and he's a fun teacher but I do not see why you guys are pushing this. He is a teacher for god's sake. Why is it that you guys cannot seem to point out gay men in our grade?"

"We aren't saying you marry the guy but you don't have to be smug. Just admit he's hot and none of us would bring him up. You're scaring us because no one has been able to say Dean is anything less than hot. Also, it's not our fault that you and Balthazar are the only gay people we know of. Well I mean besides Zachariah, but that guy is a douche. About as big of a douche as Uriah for that matter." She had a point there. Uriah and Zachariah might as well have been twins. They're both shockingly evil to the core and they look similar in more than one way. However, them being so close allows their rudeness to rub off one another, creating problems for anyone not in that group.

We entered the classroom and headed to our cars. Wednesday and Thursday consisted of laughing and close research of our cars so that we could properly take them apart without seriously screwing something up. We had ours about down to the base but they both needed some work before they could even learn a single thing on how to rebuild them next week. Someone had apparently tried messing with mine before taking it to a mechanic. There were a few tubes and belts in the wrong places there were being difficult to allow me to remove.

Jo looked over and laughed at me and I shoot her a glare. "You might wanna try using this and turn it in the opposite direction", a gravel voice said softly right next to my ear, to where I could feel them breathing on my neck. I looked back and Dean was standing there, holding out a tool for me take. I took it and nodded and did as he said. It took a few minutes but I finally got the thing to come out with a pop and looked back for approval. Dean smiled and nodded before going to Jo and seeing if she needed something. "You know Jo I've heard it's pretty hard to take apart the car when you're sitting inside."

"Haha, you're so funny. Except you're not", she grunted in frustrated. "I'm pretty sure part of the radio is messed up and will probably have to be removed and reinstalled to fix." Dean gave the car a once over.

"Hard for something to work if part of the radio isn't even where it's supposed to be. Not to mention a essential component is missing altogether", he said with a smirk. I saw Jo get aggravated and flustered and I couldn't help but let out a full body laugh. Dean caught me and winked before patting Jo's knee and going to help a severally ticked off Meg.

"Shut up", she mumbled at me. I laughed again and went back to removing some stupid bolt and yet another worn out tube. Jo smiled when she thought I didn't see but even she had to crack a smile after Dean picked on her. I was trying to focus on my work when I felt like someone was watching me. I stood up and looked around and met eyes with Dean. He smirked before looking back down at Meg who was no doubt flirting, like she always was. Poor Dean.


"What seems to be wrong over here", I asked as I approached the furious teen. She looked up at me with innocent eyes.

"I don't know if I'm doing this right. Have I messed up", she asked sweetly. I had to refrain from rolling my eyes and looked at her car. It looked fine to me and I told her that, causing her to proceed to be unsure and question how some things looked. I found myself only half listening though. The other half couldn't get the way Cas laughed out of my head. It was possibly the lightest and most beautiful thing I'd ever heard. I tried to assure the girl, Meg?, that her car was fine but she wouldn't seem to accept it. She bent over her car, trying to show off her ass for god knows who. I fought back a sign of disgust and tried to pay attention to her pointing but my eyes kept wondering back to the young man who's eye always took me somewhere else. It was like getting lost in the brightest blue pools I'd ever seen, I was finding I could look into them forever.

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