First Date

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The week had begun and it had passed. It actually was not that bad of a week to be honest. My bruises were finally losing their dark tint and fading to a softer purple and some even a shade of yellow. My nose still throbbed but Jess assured me that it was because it was starting to heal properly and just to put ice on it. They had left Monday morning to head back to Stanford, but not before she could give me a further inspection. Regardless, I had not been as sore this week as I had been over the weekend and I was very grateful for the fact.

It was currently sixth period on Friday and I anxiously sat in my seat, waiting for the bell to ring so I could go to Dean's class. It was now my favorite class and not just because I was dating the teacher. I learned that I actually really enjoyed working on the car, even if it meant I could not wear suits. I had started wearing my own clothing again on Monday too rather than stealing Jo's or Dean's. Today I was dressed in very tight black skinny jeans and an old Star Wars shirt. i had not worn it in years but after yesterday I learned that working under the car and with the engine could get pretty messy, so I decided to start wearing very old, tight fighting shirts that I would not mind throwing them out.

When the bell finally rang, I was the first one out of their seat and out the door. I zipped to my locker and threw my bag in, beating Jo there and grabbing her arm to pull her after me once I spotted her in the crowd. She squealed with laughter as I tugged her along after me, causing me to laugh too. "Someone is awfully excited", she teased.

"Damn straight", I replied. She laughed again and quickened her pace so that I was not dragging her along any more. We were the first in the room and Dean grinned when he saw us come in, extremely out of breath by that point. "Do not get my wrong Dean I love your class and all but does it have to be so damn far from the other classrooms", I asked with a slight pant. He chuckled and rolled his eyes at me, about to say something but stopping when the door opened and other students filed in. Jo and I set about to work on our cars, which even were looking good even though we just started building a few days ago.

We worked hard and Dean made his way around the room, stopping to help the occasional struggling kid. He often avoided Meg all together because she mostly just threw a fit about the hard work and it made me laugh under my breath every time I saw her get disappointed that Dean bypassed her. "Cas you're scaring me", Jo finally said as she slid away from her car. I looked up at her confused, wondering what could possibly be wrong. "You're working harder on this car than you do at science and it's concerning."

"Ha ha", I replied snarkily at her teasing. Dean chuckled at us ever so slightly when he passed by us and went to help Crowley. At this point, I did not know how to feel about Crowley. Just last Thursday he was helping other guys beat the shit out of me and practically kill me but on Friday he had apologized. Now all week long if he saw me in the hallways, he would wave or say hello. Even at lunch he made an effort to walk past our table on the way to his and say hello or ask how I was doing. My friends had tensed each time he did so where I just answered quietly, not quite sure how to approach the matter.

Jo and I were talking about how he may have had a change of heart, but we doubted it. The rest of the group doubted this too, especially Balthazar. I had decided to let it go though and at lunch I would even ask how he was doing. I was just glad he was being polite, whether it was real or fake. The bell rang suddenly, pulling me out of my thoughts and deep concentration. It made me jump slightly causing Jo to giggle, resulting in me flipping her the bird. She gasped in mock shock and I smiled. Everyone else rushed out the doors, excited to go home for the weekend but Jo and I hanged back to talk to Dean.

I was putting up my tools when I saw Dean go over and whisper in Jo's ear. She gave him a weird look and he rolled his eyes before whispering something else. At this her eyes widened and she got a giant smile on her face. She nodded her head and bolted out of the room, causing Dean to chuckle. "Do I want to know what that was all about", I asked.

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