Thank god for Normal

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"Cas, wake up", Dean whispered in my ear. I groaned and curled further into his side, not wanting to have to leave the bed. "You make it really hard to get up ya know that?" I grinned slightly and felt him laughing.
  "I don't wanna go to school", I declared through a yawn. He rolled his yes before hovering over me and dipping down to peck my lips.
"Yes you do. Plus Jo will gut me if I show up to school fine and you're not there. She'll think I broke you or something."
"Well it's quite the opposite", I pointed out.
"Think she'll believe that?" I groaned and shook my head. She definitely wouldn't and god forbid anyone have to deal with Jo's rathe for awhile. "Come on babe, get up." He kissed me again quickly and got out of the bed and I groaned again.
"Why'd you go away", I mumbled. I heard shuffling around me until I felt something land on top of me. I opened my eyes to see some clothes. I looked at them to Dean in slight confusion.
"Get up and get dressed and I'll come back", he teased. "And if those clothes look familiar it's because they're yours. You left them here and I never had the guts to go to you and return them. Good thing I didn't huh?" I sighed and nodded before getting out of the bed, stripping Dean's sweats and throwing on real clothes. We got ready fairly quickly, mainly because we slept too long. Within fifteen minutes, we were dressed, had our teeth brushed and hair tamed, and on our way to the impala. I was about to open the door when I got pushed against it and yelped in surprise.
Dean quickly connected our lips and slid his tongue into my mouth, quickly taking my breath away. I fought the urge to groan and bring him closer because god knows who can see us. "Dean wait", I panted. His brow immediately crinkled and he looked worried.
  "Shit are you okay? Did I do something",Dean asked in a hurry. I gave me a quick kiss to shut him up before looking around.
"I'm fine Dean. I just don't know if kissing in public would be smart. What if someone saw?"
"Shit. Good point. Sorry I didn't even think", he sighed before grinning. "Always so reasonable." I shoved him, causing him to laugh and we climbed into the car. Once we got to the school, the day passed by quickly. Although all days pass by faster when you're in a good mood and have friends hanging around. It felt good to have that back to where things were normal again. By seventh period I was exhausted and ready to see Dean, even if I had to wait until after class to go up to him without things being suspicious.
"Love is in the air", Jo exclaimed with a laugh as we entered the room. I rolled my eyes and bumped her, directly into Crowley. "Hey Crowley! Have you heard?"
  "Hello Jo. Mate, what the hell is the blonde yabbering about", Crowley questioned.
  "If you find out, let me know", I replied as I moved over to my car.
"I'll tell ya what I'm talking about. Our little boy got his boy back", Jo said giddily. I rolled my eyes and heard Dean snorting from his desk. I glanced over my shoulders to see him look up at me and it was clear to see he was trying to hide a smile.
"That's great lad", Crowley said. "Jo you might want to chill though. Even Cas can contain himself. Relax." She punched him and then punched me.
"Screw you guys. Get on my level why don't you", she demanded. Crowley grinned and winked before walking to his vehicle, leaving me with Jo and her teasing. All day long she'd been ecstatic that Dean and I got back together. She clearly has done well in hiding in it too.
"Jo wipe that smirk off your face or I swear to god", I threatened. She grinned and winked in response, which had me rolling my eyes.
"What are you doing this weekend", Jo asked seriously. I shrugged and looked over my shoulder to see Dean watching us. "Hey Dean can you come over here for a sec", Jo hollered. Her yelling pulled him from a trance and he slowly came over to where we were. "Are you hanging with my boy this weekend", Jo asked quietly.
"Eventually I'm sure. You guys realize next week is spring break right? So two certain people are gonna be headed this way", he trailed off.
"Oh my god Sam's coming! I forgot about that. Oh Jesus did you tell him about", Jo cut off and looked at me. I rolled my eyes and went back to work on the car I was already behind on.
"Uh no. It just happened. When did I have time to tell him", he questioned with sass.
  "Fine. Be sassy. You might want to fill him in though before he walks in the house and sees you doing inappropriate things on your couch", Jo retaliated. Dean bit his lip to hold back a laugh and I fought to hide a blush forming.
"Maybe I'll tell him tonight. Or tomorrow. Depends when I'm free", Dean replies as he looked at me.
  "Okay I'm taking Cas tonight. You can call Sam so that leaves you no excuses", Jo decided.
  "Who says I want to hang with you", I joked.
  "The party at my house tonight says that", Crowley called out. He had snuck up behind us and scared the crap out of me when he talked. "Relax mate. Dean, I came over to get you because I think Meg is about to beat the shit out of her car. Or maybe Gordon. Whichever sets her off first." Dean rolled his eyes and muttered under his breath before going over to help Meg. "Our group is partying tonight since my parents are coming back tomorrow and won't leave until Sunday evening. The group needs a party", Crowley pointed out. I nodded in agreement and relented into going to party. If it's only our group, I can handle it. I don't want to attend any other party for a long time, if ever.

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