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"Are you excited or what", Charlie exclaimed as she plopped into the seat next to me.

"About what", I asked, very confused.

"Oh my god are you alive? Earth to Castiel", she teased. "We get to know our parts today! I really hope I get the main female lead. I mean I don't know if I'm good enough for it but that would be so cool. Oh my gosh! What if you got the leading male role!"

"Oh my gosh! What if you get lead female role Castiel", Jo joked. We laughed and Charlie squeezed my hand. "Seriously though, if you guys would get lead roles, not even the lead role, but one of the more important ones, you can count on me, my mom, and Bobby being there."

"Not Ash", I asked with mock surprise. Ash never left the dinner. I sometimes wondered if he even went home or if the dinner itself was his home.

"Castiel come with me to my locker before fifth", Jo said, rising. I nodded and followed her out. "So how'd it go yesterday? With Dean. Is your brother better?" I grimaced to her first question and nodded to her second. "Dean came into the dinner last night and had quite a bit to drink. He looked stressed. Did you guys get into real personal stuff or something?"

"Please one question at a time", I begged her. I blew out a puff of air before answering. "
Lucifer is fine now. I took Dean's advice and just kept asking to talk until he did. We made sure he was okay before we moved onto me. Don't you dare interrupt", I accused her of what she was about to do. She nodded and let me continue. "Something bad happened yesterday", I told her, lowering my voice. "After Dean gave me advice on what to do with Lucifer....I may or may not have", I stopped looking around us before continuing. "I kissed him", I practically just mouthed the words.

"WHAT", she screamed. I shot her a glare and she quieted down. "Sorry but oh my god Castiel. What were you doing?" I shrugged. "Oh my god. You liar!" Her eyes suddenly lit up with excitement. "You do think he's hot and now you're attracted to him. Oh my god this is great! You guys will be so cute and once you graduate you can have an open relationship and-",she rattled.

"Jo I'm not looking for a relationship with Dean", I whispered harshly. "I do not know why I even kissed him. It just happened but now what do I do about it?"

"You start a relationship", she tried to point out. I gave her another icy look and she rolled her eyes. "Hear me out, okay? Dean clearly likes you. I mean he's a good guy and all but he wouldn't drop whatever he was doing to search for just anyone's brother. He certainly doesn't just let anyone in his car. Plus he always looks at you in class and the whole time at the dinner the other night! He winks and flirts with you during class, I mean he clearly likes you. You can't deny that."

"Oh but you can. Plus he's a teacher. Isn't that all different sorts of wrong that it's not even worth discussing?"

"I don't know. Have you talked to Dean", she asked slyly. I gave her a what-do-you-think-look. She gasped. "Castiel James Novak I swear if you kissed that man and then just left I swear I'm going to beat you!"

"Technically I apologized and said I had to go. Then I left", I said with a sigh. The bell rang, saving me. "We'll talk more later okay?" She nodded and we waved before parting ways. When I got to theater, I tried my best to share Charlie's excitement.. She grabbed my hand and ushered us to the casting list in the front of the auditorium. She looked it over and squealed before pulling me away from the crowd.

"I got leading female", Charlie squealed. "I can't believe it and you're the understudy for the lead male role! If Rufus doesn't show or gets sick, you're gonna be the lead male!" I congratulated her and she congratulated me and we took our seats, rehearsing the lines. I was hoping Rufus would show and be perfectly healthy but Charlie made me rehearse hard anyway. Theater ended and sixth period passed by all too fast. Before I knew it, I was meeting Jo at my locker to walk to auto mechanics.

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