Too Soon

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        "Ever think your blue eyed miracle wants to try some place different Dean-O", Benny joked loudly as he approached the table. Dean and I grinned and I actually beat him to responding for once.
        "And miss out on your Cajun chicken? Think again my friend", I said back.
        "Aww come on now. No flirting, Dean might kill me for taking his boy", Benny said with a wink at Dean.
        "My Cas", Dean mocked in a pouting tone.
        "Don't worry babe. You'll always be my side hoe", I reassured him.
        "Aww well don't that make me special", Benny laughed.
        "This started out funny but now I'm kinda worried", Dean pouted. Benny and I laughed, and I reached under the table to grab Dean's hand reassuringly.
        "So let me guess, Cajun chicken and my special tasting rice for old blue eyes", Benny questioned as he looked at me. I nodded before he continued on. "And a eight ounce steak with a loaded baked potato with extra bacon and fries instead of cole slaw?" At this he looked at Dean, who took a swig of beer before answering.
        "Nope", Dean replied with a shake of his head. "Think I wanna mix it up tonight." Dean and I had been coming here every Saturday evening since we got back together, not to mention several times during the week. We order the same thing every time so to hear him say this was shocking at the least. Benny backed up some in surprise and my eyes even widened.
        "Really", we questioned simultaneously. He laughed hard and shook his head, trying to control himself.
        "Hell no but look at your faces", Dean exclaimed with a proud grin. Benny rolled his eyes and gave me a worried look.
        "Good luck with that one", Benny wished me. I hollered out a thanks before turning back to Dean, who still looked pouty. I rolled my eyes before leaning forward to give him a quick kiss and was startled when he grabbed my hair to yank me further across the table. The kiss lasted for several heated minutes and left us breathless when he finally let me go.
        "Mine", he insisted. I chuckled to myself before grabbing his hand again and squeezing it tight.
        "Yours", I promised. He smirked before sighing and pulling his hand away.
        "I'd feel a lot better if I were sitting by you. Hate that about every time we go out in public", he complained.
        "No ones stopping you from coming over here", I pointed out.
        "Yeah but the seat cushion just got used to me and so I'm comfortable and if I move it'll take awhile to be comfy again." I groaned at his whining and before either of us realized it, I was sliding under the table and popping up on the other side between Dean and the wall. His eyes widened but he quickly recovered and smirked before pressing me against the wall and kissing me again. I felt his tongue slip in my mouth and possessively roam. I didn't even bother fighting him for dominance cause damn did it feel good to be doing this with Dean again. Every time we kissed was like a whole new one and it was electrifying, which would explain why we got hard very quick without really doing anything.
        Dean reluctantly pulled away after several minutes to where we could catch our breath. "Can we just take the food home", Dean panted. I didn't even respond before moving to kiss him again and he meet me half way, although this kiss ended much quicker.
        "I'll be right back", he mumbled against my lips before getting up and rushing to the counter. I got up as well and went to stand by the door. Dean joined me a few minutes later after chucking some bills on the counter and grabbing take out bags with our food. We walked quickly to the car and I swear Dean went at least twenty over the speed limit the entire way home. We got to his house in record timing and he threw the bags and keys on the table before shoving me against the closed front door. I grinned right before he connected our lips again and I groaned from him rubbing against me.
        "Bedroom", he asked between kisses and I barley nodded before we were stumbling back towards his room. From there our shirts and pants were removed rather quickly and soon we were falling back against the bed. Dean started grinding down, pressing our erections together roughly. My hips lifted up almost immediately back up against him, desperate for more tension. The only sound in the room was our heavy panting and several strangled groans.
        "Fuckkkk...Dean", I groaned. It'd be so long since Dean and I had been like this and fuck was it light heading, in all the best ways. Dean shoved our mouths back together, slightly more gentle as he stopped grinding down, causing a whimper from me, only to be quickly replaced by a gasping groan as he snuck his hand down my underwear. He started to jerk me off rather quickly and I could feel the heat building in my lower gut. "Dean wait", I pleaded breathlessly. He slowed ever so so slightly and placed several kisses down my neck and along my collar bone.
        He removed his hand only to remove my underwear completely and his soon following, leaving just our bare flesh rutting against each other. He reached over me to his night stand and opened the first drawing, pulling out a bottle of lube. I closed my eyes and waited for what came next, trying not to think much on it. I heard Dean squirt some into his hand and soon a slicked finger was being pushed in me. I grimaced at the slight burn but kissed Dean to tell him to keep going.
        He pumped his finger in and out multiple times before slipping in a second. That's when it hit me, all the horrible memories from the last month and that terrible party. I felt tears start to come down my face and I bit my lip, trying to force the thoughts away because it was Dean here with me right now, no one else and especially not Alastair. Still the memory wouldn't fade and I felt myself start to shake slightly. Dean pressed a kiss to my lips and immediately tasted the salt from my tears and pulled back, taking his fingers with him.
         "Shit Cas are you okay? Did I hurt you", Dean questioned worriedly. I shook my head and failed to stop more tears from falling. "What is it baby, what's wrong?"
       "It's fine Dean I just", I started before I couldn't continue. Dean moved to where he was laying beside me and he turned me to face him. He pressed soft kisses all over my face and lingering ones on my lips.
        "Bad memories", he questioned after what felt like billions of kisses. I nodded and shook more before Dean wrapped his arms around me and pulled me against him. "Fuck Cas I'm so sorry I didn't even think about that. I'm so sorry I shouldn't have rushed it", he rambled. I shook my head and kissed him deeply to get him to shut up.
        "It's okay Dean. I thought I was over it. I'm sorry", I mumbled tiredly.
        "Don't apologize Cas", Dean whispered in my ear, tightening his grasp around me. "We're supposed to be taking it slow remember?" I chuckled because even though that was the agreement it hadn't turned out quite that way. "You hungry?" I nodded numbly and he grinned before kissing me a final time and pulling me after him.
         "Good cause I'm starving", he groaned and I actually laughed at that. He grinned at me, obviously happy I was quickly getting over the bad moment. We got dressed and headed out to the living room to grab the food and heat it up. I worked with getting our food and drinks and I let Dean pick out a movie for us to watch. Even an hour later and poorly reheated, Benny's food was still amazing. Dean and I were catching a late dinner because we had worked in the early afternoon, leaving it be to kind of late when the movie ended. I was curled into Dean's side and fighting sleep when the movie finally ended. I felt Dean chuckling and he shook me until I realized my eyes were closed and I opened them. "Tired?"
        "Kind of", I yawned. He grinned and rolled his eyes before turning the tv off and pushing me towards his room. I didn't even object but walked back towards it to put on my, or rather Dean's, sweatpants and flopped onto the bed. Dean came in a few moments later after cleaning up the food and changed himself before jumping down beside me.
        "Kind of tired", he asked with a laugh. I nodded and grinned ever so slightly
        "Yeah but only a little", I lied. I felt Dean pull the sheets and blankets down around me and he soon covered us both back up after turning out the lights.
        "Hey Cas", Dean whispered.
        "Do you think that when you're here Gabriel and Balthazar do what we do, or almost did?" I crinkled my nose in disgust.
        "Eww I hope not", I mumbled.
        "What if they do it in your bed", he teased.
        "Why would they do that", I asked confused, finally opening my eyes to look at him. He chuckled and grinned before responding.
        "I don't know, just to freak you out", he suggested. I groaned and lightly slapped his stomach.
        "You're disgusting", I muttered. He laughed and I wound up chuckling myself. "Hey Dean?"
        "I'm sorry about earlier", I said quietly, looking at him to see his reaction. He shook his head and pulled me up to him and kissed me gently.
        "You have no reason to apologize Cas. It's okay. We'll wait until you're ready. There's no rush, we have all the time in the world. Not like I'm going anywhere", he promised as his face rubbed its way between my neck and shoulder. I grinned before yawning again and deciding to call it a night.
        "Love you Dean", I swore with a kiss. He smiled and kissed each of my eyelids before reburying himself against me.
        "Love you too Cas. Always."

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