Disbelief and Fury

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        "Castiel! I'm so glad you're okay. You idiot, you had me and your brothers freaking out. If you ever do that again, I'll kill you. I swear. Are you feeling alright? If you need something, force Gabe to help although after this I'm sure he'd love to help", I ranted into the phone.
         "Yeah Luc I know. I won't do it again. Sorry to have freaked you all out", Cas apologized quietly.
         "It's okay. It's why we're here I guess", I joked, trying to lighten the mood. "So why did you leave last night? And leave Garth and Crowley without a goodbye? That's strange even for you." The line was quiet for a few moments and it made me worry again, even though it shouldn't have.
         "It's nothing. I'm going to go. Bye Luc, love you", he rushed in what was the most painful tone I'd ever heard. The line went dead and I was left staring at my phone in confusion. What the hell was going on with this kid?
        "I'm sure he's fine. Don't worry. He's awake and told you he was okay right? I'll check on him later and you'll seem him soon. Relax some", Jo assured me, trying to bring me some comfort.
        "Why wouldn't he be okay? He apparently got a great lay last night", some girl stated as she walked in the room. If I didn't know better, I would've sworn it was jealousy and a bit of resentment in her voice. My head titled in surprise at her comment, but Jo glared at her.
        "And what makes you think that Meg", Jo all but snarled at her. So the girls name was Meg. Good to know I guess. Meg gave Jo a smirk before answering.
        "Oh I might as well tell you. You'll find out sooner or later. Castiel had sex last night", Meg exclaimed. Jo and I shared a disbelieving look that Meg apparently picked up on. "Oh I know. So shocking that he finally did it. Well let's get passed that shall we. I heard he was begging for it and seemed to enjoy himself plenty." She grinned at us before grabbing a water from the practically empty fridge and walking out of the room.
        "I wouldn't believe anything she says", Jo told me. "She's known to be an attention whore and she's obsessed with Cas." I nodded but was stopped short by a group of boys that walked in.
        "Cas? You mean Castiel", one of them asked. Jo nodded hesitantly and the guys started laughing and hollering. "Isn't that the guy went went to bed with you last night man?"
       "The one and only", a tall and pale boy replied. My eyes widened and Jo went still next to me. "Best fuck I've had in awhile." He laughed hard and his friends joined in, giving him high fives.
        "There's no way Castiel would ever have anything to do with you Alastair", Jo growled. My mood immediately changed to pissed. I'd heard plenty of Alastair and the shit he pulled on Cas. This motherfucker was lucky I didn't skin him alive.
        "Oh I wouldn't be too sure about that", Alastair smirked. "He seemed to do plenty with me last night. He was begging for it and boy is he loud in bed. But hell, for that tight of an ass, he can be as loud as he wants."
        "I remember walking past a bedroom last night and hearing a lot of screaming. Was that him", another boy asked. Alastair laughed and nodded and I began to feel sick.
        "But-but that's impossible. Cas has a boyfriend", Jo stuttered.
        "He didn't say anything about one last night and, trust me, he said plenty. Nothing about not wanting to do it or about a boyfriend though", Alastair shrugged. Jo was stuttering and mumbling to herself and I was struggling to not do the same. Castiel wouldn't cheat ever. Plus, he fucking loved Dean more than anything. He would never ever cheat.
        "My brother would never cheat", I threw out. "He loves his boyfriend and it's just not like him. You must have him confused with someone else." Alastair rolled his eyes and pulled out his phone to show a picture of Cas, one of him drinking last night and following Jo to the dance floor.
        "This him", he asked. Jo's eyes widened even more, so much I thought they were going to pop out of her head. My stomach dropped and I fought the urge to be sick. This couldn't be real. "Sorry man. I didn't know he was your brother or I would've tried to control my mouth. But it was just-wow. Anyway sorry. And sorry your brother isn't quite who you think he is. He sure didn't act like he was taken last night. Well except by me. Come on guys, I gotta brag to some more people." They laughed before leaving the room, leaving just me and Jo.
        "Do you believe them", I asked quietly. Jo shook slightly and I watched her tremble.
       "I don't want to believe them. But if people heard them together and Alastair may be all talk but when it comes to stuff like this", she traveled off. She wiped at her eyes before continuing. "Well he wouldn't lie about that. He's made it clear he wants Castiel and Cas drank a lot."
        "It would explain why he bolted so fast last night. You know, realizing what he did and wanting to get away from it", I mentioned. Something still didn't seem right to me about this though. This just wasn't like Castiel, drunk or not.
        "That's why he bolted from Garth and Crowley last night. That's why he insisted we had to leave, before word spread. That's why he hung up so fast when you asked what happened. And he may have...he may have taken pills to forget what he did or maybe he felt guilty." Jo looked how I felt, shook to the core.
        "Cas would never do this though. And not to Dean", I whispered. Jo got up suddenly in a fury.
        "Whether he would do it or not doesn't matter", she demanded, raising her voice plenty. "It's done and he cheated on Dean. I'm sorry I don't want to believe this either because Cas is like a brother to me. We've always been so close and I want to say I know him but obviously I don't. Dean is like my brother too, an older one I never asked for or wanted but one I got and who I love. I love Castiel but I can't stand for this. Not when my family is on the receiving end of the hurt and betrayal." She was furious and tears were sliding down her cheeks.
        "Jo we don't even know if it's true! Castiel deserves a chance to explain himself!" I was up now too, standing and yelling in rage.
        "I can't. Not if it means standing against Dean. I'm sorry Lucifer. I've gotta go", she cried out before running from the room. My heart pounded and I fought back the urge to let a tear of my own slip. I needed to find Micheal and we needed to talk about this, talk to Castiel about this. I left the kitchen and began searching room after room for Micheal. Every room I went in had hungover people, all of whom were talking about Alastair and Castiel and them having sex. Some people talked about positions, others commented on how random it was or how it was bound to happen. Everyone seemed to have a different opinion but everyone agreed on one common ground. It happened. I began to block everyone out, focusing only on finding Micheal. I finally found him when I returned downstairs. Jo had gathered all her friends and she was shouting at Micheal.
        "Jo calm down. You don't even know what you're saying", he was saying as I walked up.
        "I do know what I'm saying. Ask Lucifer. Or anyone else at this stupid party. Your brother is a fucking cheating bastard who is going to hurt my brother. I can't be around that or anyone who wants to be around that right now. We're leaving", she shot me a look before motioning all of her and Cas's friends to follow her. Micheal handed Anna the keys and she muttered a quick apology before running after the group. Micheal turned to face me, disbelief and worry on his face. I shook my head and went to grab my things. I don't think I ever wanted to just get away from anything so quickly before.

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