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        "Cassie", Gabriel exclaimed as he pounced on me. I groaned and pushed him off before rolling further away. "Stop being so stubborn dumbass. Presents and food and then your boyfriend awaits so come  Yeah on. You gotta wake up, function, and look decent for Dean". I kicked his leg for his teasing but grinned because this was one of the best moments of Christmas. The moment where your annoying siblings wake you up for presents, food, and snow.
        "Five more minutes", I yawned. He gave me a shove and yanked away my blankets, luckily for him I had sweatpants on instead of just underwear.
       "Hell no", Luc shouted as he entered the room. "Get your damn ass up so we can party before you leave us for your boy." I opened my eyes enough to roll them and sighed. I got up and they left so I could change quickly. I passed Micheal on the way to the bathroom and he looked very grumpy, obviously I wasn't the only one awoken from a very excited Gabriel today. I nodded at him and he grunted in reply, earning a small chuckle from me. I quickly brushed my teeth and messed with my hair before running downstairs. Mom and Lucifer had everything setting out and ready, seeing as how it was currently 11:30. When I entered the kitchen, my mother smiled at me before going back to her tasks.
        "So where is everyone", I asked casually. I knew they would understand that I meant where is father and his god awful family that would no doubt make me and Gabriel feel worthless. Luc shrugged and my mother looked over her shoulder at me.
        "You're Dad went to go get them, they should be here in about fifteen minutes. And I know you don't like them, I mean no one really does. I am going to ask though that you guys be on your best behavior so as not to spark any collisions", she explained cautiously. I nodded and exchanged glances with Lucifer that my mother didn't even try to comprehend. This meal was honestly probably going to be a shit show but whatever. Lunch and gifts and then Dean, along with Sam and Jess. For them I would force a smile and ignore my aunt and uncle and father because screw them. It is my holiday too.
        For Christmas, Dean and I decided to go simple for gifts. I got him some of his favorite albums on vinyl for a record player he had revealed to me a few weeks ago as well as some new band t-shirts. I stole most of his for my own now anyway so it's only far I restock him on them. I got Sam and Jess stuff too but they were simple little things; a historical documentary Sam had been rattling on about and a bracelet for Jess. I didn't know whether or not it would be weird if I got them something but I feel like I've grown close to them too so why not.
        Micheal came down a few minutes later looking happier than he did a few minutes. "Someone perked up", I commented. He shoved my shoulder but grinned regardless. We got glasses, plates, and silverware out to do some final preparations before the demon spawns showed. When everything was ready, I heard talking coming from outside the door. The door opened and my father entered with my aunt and uncle behind him. My brothers and I lined up on the side of the room and my mother moved to hug them in greeting. My mom and aunt gushed and even my uncle was smiling and hugging my mother.
They all conversed for a few more moments before the attention was turned to us. "Boys", my uncle said with a nod towards us. We said hello back and I awaited for whatever mess was bound to come. My uncle never really was loving towards anyone so none of us were surprised with his greeting. My aunt was a different story though. I mean she didn't really feel love either but she could fake it plenty well but she never tried to with Gabriel and now I'm sure she wasn't going to towards me either.
"Does your aunt not get a hug", my aunt asked. Lucifer grinned and went to hug her; he was always the best actor out of us anyway, at least in times like this. Micheal followed, then Gabriel (that didn't last long at all). Then it was my turn. I smiled slightly and stepped forward but she turned towards my mother. "So is lunch ready dear? I am absolutely famished!" My mother had a split second pause before her smile returned and she nodded. The adults followed her into the kitchen as I stood sort of dumbstruck. Micheal shot me a concerned glance before following the adults.
"You lucked out", Lucifer joked. I gave a small smile before following him and Gabriel into the kitchen. It was peaceful for awhile after that. We had loaded our plates and finished the lunch with minimal problems. If anything, it was just slightly awkward. However, something seemed to have shifted once desert came out.

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