Real World

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        "Gah I can't believe we're graduating", Bal said at lunch Friday. The last Friday of our high school experience.
        "I know. With this idiotic lot? I'm surprised that we all leave and not just Castiel", Crowley responded.
        "Yeah but I don't want to go to college. The private Christian college my parents got me into, while great for my field, just isn't too appealing", Anna groaned.
        "College is going to be fantastic", Jo said fondly. "Speaking of, have you figured out where you're going yet Cas?" I groaned and shook my head.
        "No! There are a lot of places I want to go but some are trashy, some are too far from Dean, and some would just be too god damn outrageous. And Dean's no help", I complained.
        "Aww is he still saying go wherever cause he'd always follow you", Charlie asked. I nodded. It wasn't as cute as everyone thought. It was frustrating.
        "You'll figure it out", Jo reassured me. "So is everyone down for dinner tonight at the Roadhouse?" We nodded and made idle chat until lunch ended. The last lunch of high school. Theater came and went as well as math. Far sooner than I wanted, seventh period was starting. Our cars had finished and we drove them to Bobby's yesterday, leaving us with nothing to do today. Jo and I grabbed chairs and sat off in a corner, Crowley soon joining.
        "Ready to be out of this nightmare yet", Crowley asked me, noticing my unrest. I shook my head. This week had been unbelievably stressful with trying to figure out life from here and what not. "Well I am. Going to leave this place in my dust."
        "That's the spirit", Jo laughed. They continued talking but I zoned out, staring at the clock, watching the last hour tick away. I got accepted into a lot of great medical schools, hell I even got accepted at Stanford. I just couldn't decide where to go. I couldn't leave my brothers, or Dean for eight plus years. Graduation wasn't a happy time for me unlike everyone else. Plus, even with all the shit I dealt with in high school, I still really liked our time here. Leaving was going to suck.
        The bell soon rang and everyone screamed before bolting out the doors, Jo and Crowley included. I watched them go and stared at the door until Dean blocked my view and pulled me from my trance. "Stop", he told me before kissing me quickly. I frowned and he pulled me to my feet and after him to the impala. "Stop stressing and being worried and upset. You just survived high school! Celebrate babe." I gave him a small grin and had him drive me to the Roadhouse, seeing as how Sam and Jess were meeting him there. They insisted on seeing me graduate, especially since I was going to have to give a Valedictorian speech. Which gave me even more stress.
        Our friends meet Jo and I at the Roadhouse, where we feasted before going to Crowley's to party. By the time we got to Crowley's and I had some alcohol in me I was excited and ready to go. I was actually glad to never walk back in that school, to leave everyone in my dust, minus my brothers and friends. And Dean. Our party raged trough the night and we couldn't even get it together to fear how bad of sites we'd be in for graduation tomorrow.
"Glad you made it to the party mate", Bal laughed as he dodged the dart being thrown far from the board. Charlie found twister somewhere which turned into a gigantic mess. Within minutes we were all a mess of limbs and elbows and knees hit very unfitting places. We partied until two before we got tired and started to get ready for bed, but Jo and I were going back to her place. We didn't bring our things with us and I had to prepare for my speech again. Neither of us were in any condition to drive so we began the walk to Jo's house.
By three we were in Jo's bed and drifting to sleep, only to be rudely awakened a little under four hours later. I groaned and turned the alarm off and heard Jo mumble something incoherently. I got out of bed and rushed to the bathroom to shower and get ready before Jo could take all the hot water. Plus, while she showered I could practice my speech, as I wouldn't let her hear it. I wanted it to be a surprise and get a genuine reaction from her and the rest of our group. I was done quickly and after several minutes of nagging Jo she finally got up too.
        I sat on the edge of my bed and read over my notes, shaking slightly from nerves. I wanted my speech to get everyone hyped but it all seemed too formal and rehearsed. I sighed and put my notes away since it wasn't helping and laid back on the bed, waiting on Jo's slow ass. A few seconds later I heard a vibration and saw a text on my phone. Of course, it was Dean.
Dean: Don't stress, you've got this babe, knock em dead ;)
Dean: Love you
Me: You act like you know me;), love you too
Dean: well don't I?
Dean: Got a surprise for your after the ceremony, and I do mean AFTER
        I grinned as he did know me too well, I would've asked. I turned my phone off and put it in my pocket before going downstairs to get breakfast before the ceremony, and hopefully I wouldn't throw up.

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