Back to School

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        I awoke from on a Monday about a week later to a loud ringing alarm. Dean shuffled around next to me and groaned before wrapping his arm around my waist. "No school", he grumbled. "Sleep."
        "Good morning to you too", I chuckled. I turned in his grasp to face him and kissed him lightly. "And yes school. We already sleep longer thanks to my free period first period." I yawned and groaned. I'm not a morning person and yeah Dean helps but his grouchy morning wake up, while adorable, can make me want to be grouchy too. His grip tightened and he buried his face in my neck and sighed.
         "Wish you weren't so damn reasonable", he mumbled against my neck. He finally untangled himself and got out of the bed to start getting dressed. I groaned again before stumbling out of the bed after him to get dressed as well. We got ready quickly and by 8:30 we were pulling up to the school. We walked to his room, avoiding the cameras, and I said a quick goodbye before heading to Jo's class to meet up with her. The bell rang by the time I reached her door and she walked out last, lighting up when she saw me waiting.
        "Hey party animal", she joked with a grin. I rolled my eyes but ducked down slightly so that she could throw her arm around my shoulder. "Feel any better after you, Gabe, and I's party yesterday morning?"
         "No I decided I want to stop partying for awhile because you all will kill me", I complained. She grinned and shook her head.
        "So tonight at seven", she asked. I rolled my eyes and shook my head. We walked to class and departed in the hallway. The classes of the day flew by and lunch soon was rolling around. "Kola", I heard shorted from behind me. I threw my bag off my back and caught Jo on my back. "Hey you actually got me this time", she cheered. I bent down slightly so she could grab my backpack and I readjusted before walking forward again.
        "Christ you're heavy. I'm gonna have to tell Gabriel to stop giving you cookies", I grumbled. She smacked me upside the head and laughed and cheered for our friends when we walked in the room. They looked up and Balthazar rolled his eyes further in his head than I had all day.
        "Lazy much there Jo", Bal questioned. She responded with a nope before popping one of Anna's grapes into her mouth.
        "Swear that girl needs a leash", Crowley grumbled. He looked over and grinned before scowling almost immediately after. "What the bloody hell does she want now?" I frowned and turned in my seat to see Meg strutting up to the table. I groaned internally and let out a huff of air to ready myself for her.
        "Hey babes", she said as she approached. "Long time no see. Well you know, at least not after you were a complete dick. Anyway I didn't come for you. Crowley, I came for you. I have an invitation for you", she stated. She handed over a square envelope. "Hope to see you there." She turned to walk away but stopped misstep. "Oh and Clarence? For the record? I forgive you for being rude. Bye", she said childishly and winked before leaving.
        "God she's loads of fun isn't she", Dorthy commented. I grinned at her sarcasm and turned my attention to Crowley.
       "What did the wicked witch give you", Charlie asked. Dorthy gave her a dead look and Charlie grinned. Charlie started to get a kick out of Wizard of Oz jokes around Dorthy to tick her off. Crowley either didn't notice the exchange or didn't care but continued to speak as if there was no interruption.
        "Seems the lads still invite me to their parties. A bunch of college buddies of the people I used to hang around with always have big parties but they haven't had one in awhile due to the whole fire incident. Anyway it seems me and three quests are to go." We were all silent for awhile but it didn't last too long.
        "So you're taking me right", Jo asked. Bal shot her a look and she shrugged. "What? Sue me. I wanna go to a big college party. Haven't been to one in awhile cause Gabriel stopped hitting us up with them."
        "Tough luck I'm afraid. I don't want to be there frankly, at least not if you all are going", Crowley stated.
"So Cas", Ann said to change the subject. "Did you hear the news?" I shook my head and she grinned. "Tell him Balthazar." I frowned in confusion and started to get nervous because her tone didn't sound too good, although turns out it just wasn't for Balthazar.
"God let it go", Bal groaned. "I have my first date with your stupid brother tonight and she read the text over my shoulder and hasn't dropped it since." Anna grinned in triumph which resulted a cackle from Dorthy. The rest of lunch consisted of us wishing Bal luck and my trying to block out the part where they talked of Gabe and Bal having sex cause that's something I definitely don't want to think about. When lunch ended, Charlie dragged me off to theater and she got overly excited as seeing how we were going to get new scripts today.
Technically our teacher has to let everyone audition, but she secretly pulled me and Charlie off to the side to say that if we wanted the lead roles they were ours. Charlie begged for me to do it again and I relented quickly seeing as how it was actually kind of fun. With our new scripts in hand we sat on the stage with Claire and read some lines but mainly messed around. When theater ended, I departed from Charlie to join Jo in auto mechanics. Dean was standing in the center of the room, meaning he clearly had something to address to the class. "Oh no. Did someone set something on fire again Dean", Jo asked jokingly. He rolled his eyes but grinned.
"Sometimes I wish", he retorted. We grinned before heading to our cars, waiting to hear Dean's announcement before getting to work. The bell eventually rang and Dean clapped his hands together to gather everyone's attention. "Alright listen up. Grades for your car evaluation are in. Some of you fell behind last semester and have some catching up to do. Sorry to say that if you don't or can't in class then you will have to on Wednesday evenings until you are caught up. Most of you are in good shape and everyone's vehicles look good, even if I did have to tweak a few minor things over break. Keep up the good work and you'll have another evaluation in three weeks. Get to work", he shouted the last part and everyone started bustling about to try and catch up. Jo and I were surprisingly on schedule and kept working to keep it that way. When the bell rang at the end of class, Jo and I left right away. Dean was working at the garage tonight and since Gabe was out on a date, Jo was going to come over to me and Gabe's new place.
"I'm just saying", Jo exclaimed when we entered the apartment. I sighed and tossed my bag on the ground and my keys on the table.
"Yes but you've been just saying it for awhile and I really just don't want to hear or think of my brother having sex. Especially if it's with Balthazar", I commented. She whatever-ed me with a laugh and headed to the kitchen to raid and find food. Jo was insisting on watching Game of Thrones tonight so she could catch up with it and, seeing as how I didn't really care what we did, I relented and let her turn it on. Our evening consisted of unhealthy eating and binge watching the show up until eight or so when my phone started ringing. Jo paused the show as I answered the phone, putting it on speaker as I saw that it was Micheal.
"Hey little bro", he shouted as I picked up.
"And Jo", she said defensively.
"And Jo of course", he responded with a chuckle. "Anyway I'm calling cause a buddy of ours is throwing a big ass party and figured we should ask you to come and hang with your brothers at college for a chance." I groaned and was about to say I wouldn't go when Jo grabbed the phone and ran with it to the kitchen.
"We'd love to go and we're bringing the rest of the group along. Text the date and time and we'll see you there. Gotta go bye", she exclaimed hurriedly as I chased her for the phone. She hung up and let me grab her and the phone with a sly grin on her face.
        "You bitch", I said exasperated.
        "Oh calm down", she grinned. "We're going to this party and you're gonna love it. Now let's finish the show before Gabe and Bal burst through the door mid-", she started.
        "Please don't finish that sentence", I interrupted with a beg. She smiled and shrugged before moving back to the couch and I followed after her. We watched two more episodes before Gabriel came back through the door with a big grin on his face. "Had fun?"
         "I always do", he joked. I rolled my eyes and waited for him to be serious for a brief moment. He went to the kitchen and grabbed a beer before coming back into the room. "It was okay. I mean I didn't know what to do, I mean I did just not with him. It was kind of odd at first cause we were both nervous but I don't know. After awhile, things were normal and it was fun. He's coming over this weekend and we're baking cookies." He grinned as he spoke and Jo gagged at the end. "What", he demanded.
"Please find a better way to talk about your sexual shit other than baking cookies", she groaned.
"No dipshit", he laughed as he whooped her upside the head. "I meant literally baking cookies. You know, like I do at the bakery? He said he didn't know how to cook anything so I told him I would teach him the essentials. Raman and cookies." I rolled my eyes at his idea of cooking but smiled regardless. I was happy for him, for both of them, and I secretly prayed that Dean wouldn't work this weekend so that I could be there and let Gabe and Bal alone. Gabe watched a episode of the show with us before we all retreated to bed, Jo sleeping in my room with me.
"Question", she said after a few minutes of us lying in bed.
"Hmph?" I was about to fall asleep already seeing as how I was tired from doing nothing all day.
"Would you rather Bal still be crushing on you or have to think of him banging your bother?"
"Oh my god Jo", I groaned before burying me head in a pillow.
"I'm just asking!"
"I guess the second one. Now shut up about that and go to sleep." She did and shortly after I was falling asleep too.

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