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"My head hurts", I complained as the seventh period bell rang Friday afternoon.
"How? You said your pain left on Wednesday for the most part and you haven't had alcohol since Tuesday", Jo reasoned.
"You make my head hurt", I replied as I cleaned my area back up. She punched my shoulder on my uninjured side as punishment.
"Well get used to it cause we got a long night ahead of us", Jo warned.
"Yeah but I can help him some", Dean announced as he came up behind me. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pressed a kiss to my head. Thankfully all the kids had bolted as soon as the bell went off, so no one was left to see us. Jo made a gagging noise to Dean's comment and I turned slightly to kiss him properly.
"Thank god for you", I praised. He grinned before stepping away to grab his things while me and Jo did the same. "So how well is tonight gonna go anyway", I questioned worriedly. Jo linked our arms and we followed Dean out to Baby.
"Yeah about that", Dean started. Jo muttered an uh-oh under her breath and we shared a worried look. "Jess knows and is super supportive but-."
"Oh my god! You didn't tell Sam", Jo exclaimed. I groaned as I threw my bag into the floorboard of the car.
"Dean he will literally murder me", I whined. Dean rolled his eyes at that but I wouldn't put it past him.
"No he wouldn't. Look I know he's not gonna be overly excited. Jess said she'd help and he follows her lead in everything. He'll understand what happened and he'll feel bad for the attitude he gave you. Oh and Jess said she's sorry and that she loves and misses you by the way", Dean added as an after thought. I climbed in the front by Dean and Jo leaned forward so as to not be left out.
"So do you expect to just bring Cas over and be like 'Hey Sammy remember Cas? Well we're back together hope it's cool' and hope he won't freak", Jo demanded. I grinned at her impersonation and Dean did as well.
"Look when I called Sam was busy studying with some guys for an important test the next day. He's had finals all week so I didn't want to stress him out. Plus I didn't know how to tell him but it's fine. He'll get over it cause he knows how much I like Cas. I am gonna give him a hell of a time for making me get rid of your number though", Dean said, directing the last part to me. Apparently Sam and partially Jess agreed Dean should delete my number so he wouldn't be tempted to text me. Jokes on him because I gave him my number back Tuesday night at his place.
We pulled up to the Roadhouse a few minutes later and I sighed. Jo got out immediately and Dean stopped me from leaving right away. "Hey", he said to get me to look at him. "It's gonna be alright Cas. I promise", he swore. I nodded and kissed him quickly before getting out and following after Jo where a long night of waitering laid ahead of me.

        "Cas order 283 table seven", Ash hollered from the window. I quickly handed people their beers before rushing over to grab the five plates. Turns out having a cast was actually helpful, it was good to set plates of food on without them falling. Plus my tip amount went up immensely. The Roadhouse was crazy tonight, most likely to everyone coming in for the holidays. My brothers even had a booth towards the back right that they were trying to keep for as long as possible, just out of spite. If I were wanting a seat I'd be pissed, but thankfully I don't have the time to sit. Jo and I were running all over the place and a new guy, Jóse, was running around with us. Ellen was trying to cover the bar on her lonesome, seeing as how Rick randomly took the night off. Yeah, the place was a little crazy.
From four until eight the place was swarmed. Once it hit eight thirty, several people started heading out thankfully. But at seven the Winchester crew had walked in and I had been in a nervous sweat since. "I'll go get their order if you bus tables", Jo bargained. I looked over at her gratefully and huffed in agreement before grabbing the bin to carry stuff in. The place was an absolute mess, which I found myself being extremely thankful for. When Dean and them walked in, Dean had winked at me and Jess had given me a small smile. They weren't who I was worried about though. Sam was the one who scared me and he had given me cold stares since they walked in.
Now that the place had emptied by maybe half, Sam had a much better view to glare with. It was highly unnerving, especially since I knew I'd eventually have to approach him tonight. I cleared about five or six tables before the bin and my arms could carry no more and I retreated to the window, passing the bin to Ash. "Cas can you give me a hand", Ellen shouted. I saluted Ash before going around the bar to whip up a concoction for Ellen while she ran to the restroom, and thankfully the old guy didn't even question it. By the time she got back, Ash had the bin unloaded and waiting for me.
I had retrieved the bin from Ash and was cleaning off tables when the door to the diner was slammed shut. I jumped slightly from the startling noise and so did quite a few others. Looking up made my gut sink though. "Oh shit", I heard Micheal curse from the back of the room.
"Dad", I questioned in shock. His gaze landed on me and it's like he went all target acquired. He stormed up to me and immediately threw a punch. The place had gone silent but then, although Ellen seemed to have disappeared. I silently prayed for her to hurry back when my dad towered over me more.
"Look at you", he said quietly in disgust. "All beaten and bruised. Look at what being a faggot got you", he shouted the last part and I stumbled backwards, to get some space between us. "I didn't think it was true ya know. I didn't think that you actually got so low that you had to have guys raping and beating you just to get by! Do you realize how far you've let yourself go? Do you", he screamed. I started shaking but locked my stance and grit my teeth, not knowing what to expect next, words or a punch. "Fucking gay idiot." With that he threw another punch that I amazingly dodged. He growled in anger and advanced but I got past him and put a table between us, an unoccupied one at that.
"Do you hear yourself", I retorted. "Why would I want to get raped", I shouted. "Why? Who the hell would wish for that? Cause I certainly wouldn't! Being gay had no fucking part of it. Bad things don't happen to only gay people you ignorant dick!" I heard a whistle behind me that I knew came from Gabe but I was too focused on dad to care much.
"You deserved it", he said after a moment. "You deserved to get raped and I hope it happens to you a thousand times again! Maybe you'll start to realize how bad being a fag is", he screamed before charging at me. Suddenly I was pulled back and someone was tackling my dad to the ground. I turned around to see Jess and I let her pull me back into her side as I peered over the table.
"Shit Dean don't", I shouted but it was too late. Dad punched him and was about to attack him next when Sam caught him and hauled him to his feet. Dean threw another punch before Ash came and yanked him back as Ellen came out.
"I suggest you get the hell off my property before I call the police", Ellen said in monotone. She didn't seem phased or the slightest bit worried and it was in that moment when my admiration for her grew. Lucifer came behind us and pulled me back behind him as dad tried to step our way but several people suddenly blocked his way. "I mean it Bart. Get the hell out or the police will be here under a minute."
"You're gonna protect some worthless little fag", my dad spit out. I cringed at the word and I hated how he kept throwing it around. "That little shit deserves death", he bellowed.
"No he doesn't. You watch your mouth if you throw that slang out one more time then I'm going to punch you. That is your son who deserves nothing but your respect but you've never given it. So get the hell out of my diner and don't show up around here again", she threatened. My dad puffed before rolling his eyes and knocked over some glasses before waltzing out like he owned the world. The diner quickly returned to its buzz since the excitement was over. I didn't realize I was shaking until I heard Dean and Jo calling for me.
"Let's take this to the back okay", Jo said quietly. She lead the way, Jess and Sam following, closely trailed by me, Dean, and my brothers. Ellen ended walking back too for a quick minute and I immediately turned to her.
"Ellen I'm sorry I had no idea he was gonna show. Hell I thought he was gone and now shits broken and those people", I started rambling.
"Those people are fine Castiel. They're just customers who are gonna forget the whole thing after a few more beers anyway", Ellen reassured.
"How were you supposed to know the asshole would show up", Lucifer said as he threw an arm over my shoulder. "Hell I thought he and mom were moving to Florida or some place warm or something. No one had any idea he'd show up." It was quiet for a minute until a bell rang. Ellen excused herself before exiting and it left a awkward silence.
        "Maybe we all talk later", Jo said after awhile. Dean nodded and bit his lip before glancing over towards me.
        "Once you two are done working for the night, everyone can come over to my place. There was stuff Cas and I needed to talk about anyway", Dean suggested.
        "Seriously? You were planning on talking with him", Sam questioned. His tone definitely wasn't gentle but Jess elbowed him. "Yeah sorry whatever. What time do you guys get off?"
        "Around ten", Jo spoke up. Sam nodded and Dean sighed.
        "We're gonna head out so you can just met us there when you can. Jo can show you the way if you don't know it", Dean said before walking off. Sam followed close behind and I knew Sam would be grilling Dean until we all got there. Jess stopped by me on the way out and leaned in to give me a hug.
        "Don't worry about him. He's gonna lighten up once he knows. He still thinks you hurt his brother, even though we both know you didn't. Not intentionally",she whispered in my ear. "It's good to see you Cas, sorry it wasn't happier." She pulled away and smiled before rushing off to follow Sam and Dean. Jo stalked off to go back up front but my brothers and I stayed behind for a moment.
        "You want us to go with you tonight or head home", Micheal asked.
        "Well Dean said all, so come. I'll need all the help I can get against the guy", I muttered.
        "Yeah Sam definitely seemed like a teddy bear tonight didn't he", Gabriel questioned jokingly. I grinned slightly before grabbing a broom and dust pan to clean the disastrous mess, that seemed like would never end.

        "Chill Castiel", Jo laughed slightly. "He's huge but stupid I think you could take him. Plus you know Dean isn't gonna let him get you. Not that he really wants to anyway."
        "Seriously they've been talking for the past two and a half hours", Lucifer added, "I'm sure things are pretty well handled already." I sighed and hoped they were right before knocking on the door. Dean answered almost immediately and pulled me inside before pulling me into a very tight hug.
"Hand", I squeaked and he jumped back quickly.
"Sorry", he apologized sheepishly. "You okay?" I nodded and let him pull me into the living room and I moved sluggishly behind him.
"Christ I'm tired", Jo groaned as she plopped onto the floor. "I hate breaks and holidays." I nodded in agreement; it had definitely been a long day of work. "Where's Sam?"
"Trying to hide in the bedroom", Jess said happily as she pulled him out after her. "He's tired and took the news like a sack of bricks", she explained. We all gathered in the living room, some on the furniture and most of us on the floor. "So you guys seem to have a great dad", Jess joked lightly. Gabriel laughed at that harder than I expected and it cause me to laugh lightly too.
"You have no idea", I muttered.
"Reminds me of someone else I know", Sam noted suddenly.
"Yeah", Dean added. "I don't think anyone in this room has parents that deserve parent of the year awards. Well minus Jo, she lucked out with Ellen."
"Try living with her", Jo groaned and I grinned before tapping her foot with my toe. "Don't touch me I'm tired." I laughed but it quickly turned into a coughing fit from the suddenness of it. Dean rubbed my back until it stopped a few minutes later and Gabriel started messing with Jo.
"Maybe we should get to the point before Jo reaches her limit", Micheal chirped. "It won't take much longer with Gabriel sitting here." Gabriel gave a devilish grin before continuing to pester her.
"Fine. Did you really get raped Castiel", Sam said suddenly and the room got quiet. Even Gabriel stopped moving and Jo stopped complaining. I felt Dean tense beside me and I shifted uncomfortably from the attention on me.
"Yeah. I did", I said quietly. I explained in as little detail as possible about the party and the rumors that spread from it, to explain why Dean heard what he did.
"We know you wouldn't intentionally hurt Dean", Jess said after a moment. "I'm just glad you both figured it out." She smiled down at me and from there it was silent. Sam stood suddenly and I felt myself getting to my feet too.
"Castiel", he started with a heavy sigh, "I'm sorry I was rude to you. I just didn't want my brother hurt or to have his life all screwed up. I'm sorry about what happened to you and I hope you'll forgive me for being an ass." With that he stuck out his hand and I shook it, getting clapping from Dean.
"God if that wasn't super uncomfortable", Dena exclaimed as he got up. "Anyone hungry?" There was a collective yes and so we all decided to watch some movies and order large quantities of pizza. Luckily Dean had plenty of beer in the kitchen. We spent the rest of the night and well into the morning that way, until about two when my brothers decided to head home. Jo and I stayed though and watched another movie with the boys and Jess. Jo ended up passing out and I felt myself start to doze off too. Suddenly the tv was turned off and Dean got up from beside me.
"We're all about to pass out so let's move to beds huh", Dean suggested. Sam and Jess groaned but gladly took the chance. Sam gave me a pat on the back and Dean a hug before retreating and Jess gave us both hugs.
"Welcome back to the mess of a family", she wished me before stumbling after Sam. Dean came up from behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist, coaxing me to walk towards his room. Jo had been repositioned and covered up and so there was nothing left but to sleep. When we got to Dean's room, I immediately flopped on the bed which got some chuckling from Dean.
"Wanna change into pajamas first there Cas", he laughed quietly. I shook my head and groaned.
"Just wanna sleep", I mumbled into the pillow. I could feel Dean roll his eyes before he came over and removed my shirt for me, with very little help. I captured his lips with mine as he unbuttoned my pants and removed them too. He backed away to discard of the clothes and turned the lights off before crawling into the bed beside me. He pressed a kiss to my lips lightly and I barely returned it, making him laugh more.
"Goodnight Cas", he whispered before kissing the side of my head and pulling me close to him, both of us naked except for underwear. "Welcome home babe." I mumbled an I love you but it didn't come out right. I could tell Dean understood though because his griped tightened around me and soon we were both very unconscious.

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