Untitled part 7

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"Quinn, get up," Corey said, "You have school, ha ha!"

I sat up and glared at him. There are so many reasons I hate school, and very few of why I like it. I got up and dressed then went to my school bag. It had everything in it that I needed. So I brought it downstairs and then had breakfast.

"You ready?" Elton asked.

"Unfortunately," I sighed.

"Don't worry, it can't be that bad," He said.

"But it's school," I moaned.

"Yeah, Elton, it's school," Colby said, walking in.

"See!" I yelled, "point proven, school is shit!"

"Quinn!" He moaned.

"Fine, school is crap!" He gave me a look, "bad?"

"Better," Elton said. When he looked away I gave him the finger. Colby laughed.

"Are we going or what?" I asked.

"Yes," Elton sighed, "Colby wanna come?"

"Sure," Colby replied.

We walked out, me with my bag and lunch. At least it wasn't a new school with new bullies. But then again, would a different school be Better? No, then I'd loose Jack!

Jack is my best friend at school. We have other friends but we are the best of best friends.

"So, who are your friends?" Colby asked.

"Well, I have a few. But Jack's my best friend," I said.

"Jack? You haven't got a boyfriend have you?" Elton teased.

"No!" I moaned.

"I'm kidding," Elton said, laughing.

"It's still annoying," I sighed.

"I'm Sorry," Elton said.

"It's Fine," I replied.

We got to the school and Elton parked outside.

I unplugged my seatbelt and then hugged Elton and Colby goodbye.

"Have a good day!" Colby said.

"If it's possible!" I replied and got out the car. They drove off as I walked in. I saw Jack with our other friends on the soccer field. I ran over.

"Hi guys!" I said.

"Quinn's back!" Jack yelled and hugged me. I hugged back. "Where were you?"

"I got adopted!" I yelled happily.

"That's awesome!" Alfie yelled and hugged me, "who by?"

"You know I always tell you about those YouTubers?" I asked.

"No way!" Matt gasped. I nodded.

"That's so cool!" Kix replied. Kix wasn't his real name but he hated being called 'Kaiser' and he loved soccer so we went with Kix. Because you kick the ball in soccer and an 'x' at the end looked cooler.

"Oh, we have a soccer game coming up soon, you'd better be able to play because Alex can't play, he's so bad!" Jack moaned.

"When?" I asked.

"I think it's next Wednesday," Jack replied.

"Cool," I said and got a pen out of my bag. I wrote;

'Wednesday, Soccer game'

On my hand.

We all got called into class. "Where's Noah?" I asked Kix.

"He's ill," Kix replied.

Adopted By TFIL (Elton Castee)Where stories live. Discover now